Sandbox feedback thread

When logged in, the Terms and Conditions modal appears unexpectedly in the following cases:

  • when switching from Light to Dark mode and vice versa;
  • when staring/unstaring a pair in the pair selector;

signing BTC over to the channel in sandbox is very fast

though the speed of this was restricted by blocktimes ?

I believe this is due to the sandbox not being bound by the same rules/properties than BTC mainnet.


I certainly cant think of a way of having a BTC committed to a channel … without it being ticked off on the ledger …

for a second there … i was amazed

@canesin any chance of a quick confirm ^^ … put me out my misery

FYI it appears scrollbars have been removed entirely in orderbooks :+1:

N.B: native scrollbar remains on the pair selector.

EDIT: scrollbar is still there in orderbook, just much less obvious.

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for ETH transfer: when my balance is > to initial amount. withdraw dont work. stuck in “initialize transfer step”

that the scrollbar we want. must be everywhere

This is happening again (scrollbar of buy orderbook starting at bottom).

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On sign up, after the 12 words step, I see a fullscreen blink right before the 2FA screen loads.

If you go to your “Transfers” tab right after sending funds from personal to trading (or vice versa), you see a line “Initializing…” with a spinner. After a few seconds, it just vanishes. At this point, you don’t see your pending transfer unless you click the “Refresh” button or manually refresh the page. It’d be nice if the “Inializing…” line was immediately replaced by the “Transferring…” line.

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Guys, great suggestions.

We just deployed a release candidate on sandbox, would appreciate if there are bugs and issues to be reported here Feedback thread: Bugs for Bitcoin protocol with MPC API keys

If you have general improvements feedback I have ask to keep that to yourself until we will reopen the thread dedicated for that later. Thanks for the comprehension and support.