it’s nice to see the community grow
Hi guys, this is great idea! I hope many NEX fans will continue this photochain.
#limitededition #nexholder #nexsupport #Itrustmyself
Hello from Oz!
Super super pumped I got into NEX early, this was the one I wanted!!!
Nice to meet you legends!
Thank you, people! Three special golden stars go to NENEX because she was the first lady who supported this photochain! I hope this will encourage other members of the Nex community to continue this “decentralized” photochain. We are still waiting someone from the Nex team to join the club (Fabio, Ethan, Carla, Claire, Chris… You are all welcome!) .
P.S. Not to forget: one huge star for the last node (so far) in our photochain. PeacefulWarrior
Hi brothers @nexer, where I find it is not easy to get a shirt with the NEX brand, later when I buy it I will send the photo with it on, but I tell them here I am present and happy to belong to our community NEX
You’re right, you gave me the courage to send my picture without the NEX shirt for now; a hug to all @NEXers and let’s go ahead brothers that the success we have guaranteed with NEX
Oh damn, the NEXception started!
Congratulations to all new members of our photochain group “Nex around the World” (Canesin , Magic and Greekscreamer ). You are all welcome! Thank you for supporting this endless chain of all Nex fans and team members (now we finally have one Nex team member with a photo ) @canesin We are waiting for other supporters and team members to join our chain.
This photochain is apparently just like the real blockchain, endless, unchangeable and unbreakable. It also reflects how our Nex community is strong and compact on its way to the common future. Thank you all for making this magnificent idea alive! Živeli! (Serbian word for “cheers”)
Hello from Slovenia
GO NEX! BTW Where can I get that NEX t-shirt ???
Pozdrav brači u Srbiju od brata Srba!
I love the NEX community.
frustratedas Huge HELLO to Slovenia from Serbia. This may be called “Nex around the Region”. No t-shirts right now. We are waiting for a new edition.
I would love us to continue this Nex photochain with other people from the region, but also from the whole world. So far, we are all great, positive and creative which means that Nex is going to have amazing future! Community (people) is the the key element in development of any good idea which Neon Exchange definitely is.
Now, who is going to be the nex(t) part in our photochain?
hahahaha u da real MVP bro
Great crocodile, man! Although the image on your monitor is a little bit pale, you definitely deserved one as a new member of our endless photochain. You are welcome in this never ending party organized by the best community in the world! Nex.
The present and future members of our photochain may use the flags of their countries (from Emoji:) list), so we could all easily recognize that Nex is really all around the world! Good day I wish you all!
Hey! You’ve gotta print a new t-shirt now don’t you? NENASH maybe?