Nex around the World

Hello, everyone! I’ve just wondered who are all the people hiding behind the phrase “Nex community”. It is clear that this great community consists of the people from every part of the world. In order to personalize them and make them truly visible, you can send your photographs captured while giving support to the Nex team, Nex community and Neon exchange in your places of living all around the world. This would prove that Nex community is strong and active around the globe. This photograph from Novi Sad (Serbia) may be one small contribution to this matter. Three Serbian supporters say HELLO to the Nex community and the Nex team! We Trust Ourselves!


Hello Serbian Supporters !


Hello :nex_logo:


Hi friends :smile:


Good Idea

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Thank you! I hope this group will show how Nex supporters are creative and devoted to the whole Nex idea! :blush:

Nice t-shirts :wink:

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Thanks! Probably looks familiar to you. :joy:
Sorry for copyrights… This is only limited edition. For personal use ONLY. :smile:

I need a tshirt with a Website

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Good idea, BaClaire. I’ll consider this for the next edition of Nex t-shirts. New limited edition, again. :smile:
I hope other Nex supporters will also present their ideas (photographs, if possible) how to promote Nex community and team in their countries. This group is open space for all of them! You are welcome! :hugs:
The members of the Nex team are also welcome with their creative photographs (maybe to encourage the rest of community). :wink:

Hello! This is Mark Jeffrey of $GUARD in Los Angeles, California – and this is me with the Serbian NEX folks on my screen! And I am here to support NEX, though I do not yet have a NEX T-shirt. :smiley:


Oh my, is this the start of NEXception?


Haahhahhahhahahaha, great photo, Mark! We’re sending you huge :clap: for this! We’ll have to arrange smth for this Nex t-shirt… :wink:

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I believe the next picture posted should indeed include my previous one and so on and so on and so on :slight_smile: Sort of a “picture blockchain” if you will :smiley:


LOL I’m ont it!

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Bravo, Mark. “Picture blockchain”! :smiley: In that case, our first photo would be something like Satoshi Nakamoto’s BTC and you’ll have the honour to choose the name of the second node… :wink: May be Nex. :smile:

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Well? When Picture? :slight_smile:

I’m still waiting for some other Nex supporter/team member to continue this “photochain” (wow)… We should give them some time… :hugs: Len or Frank, perhaps. Chris, BaClaire, Sharkie? Someone brand new? The time is leaking… :sweat_smile:

Okay Sir, our first selfie together!! It’s late here that’s why I look tired :metal::nex_logo:

petetooo cam incoming…



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