Equilibrium feedback threads still closed?

Equilibrium is open now but the feedback threads are still closed. Is this on purpose?
I really want to give some feedback but I have also a job and a family.
I can test now but there is no place to post my feedback. Every time when I wait until the thread is open than the Exchange is closed or I have no chance to login to the community since I need the extension.

Its pretty hard.
I found some issues and I really want to let you know. Please open the threads or I will create new one and hope it will finde your attention.

This is what I found today:
On Safari when I create my account and want to print my secret word phrase the second line of words get cut!
I had to screengrab my words because printing or saving as PDF was not possible.

This is what I posted last week. The issue is still there:


After creating my account I opened the exchange and the crash report popup came up. The content is not getting loaded.
Same on the funds management page.


  1. I get automatically logout from exchange - and now I can’t log in - geting crash
  2. Funds manager - Hide zero ballance -> It will be nice if that checkob will be memorable
  3. I set some orders - but they don’t get filled - http://prntscr.com/nq48to (and can’t cancel it)
  4. Nice to have -> If I open tradingview chart - I want see open by default drawing chart
  5. Tradingview chart -> Don’t save my drawing after I refresh page I must make new
  6. Session expired - I make mayby 10 trades in one minute and get that popup about session expired
  7. trading - Why I can’t set lower number? I can’t set only 0.30 ; 0,31 ; 0,32 etc… .but can’t set 0,315435.

When I forgot my password and want to reset it, I can fill in any email address and it seems like it sends me a reset link but the email address is for sure not in the system.
I expected something like: “Sorry, we could not find you. Please type in your email address you used for signing up.”. Instead it shows me that an email has been sent.
I tried this with a real email address (but not an account address) as well and I did not receive any email.

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I have pointed this out too. Hope this can be solved??

That would enable email phishing. Hackers could try a lot of different emails and if nash shows which one has an account and which not, they have a nice attack vector for spam and phishing.

The notification would be best if it’s like this “If a matching account was found an email was sent to user@email.com to allow you to reset your password”


Is someone can give me a link for the Equilibrium beta test please ?


My user / password doesn’t work… and both are correct. I tried the “forgotten password” and I don’t receive any reset email.

you need to recreate account

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It worked… new 12 words… new 2FA… don’t understand the reason but ok…thanks!

Everytime the Beta is reopen after reiteration, every tester needs to recreate a new account as the Beta resets.

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Understood! Thanks :slight_smile:

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The password reset feature is not working. When you click on the link from your email it just sends you to a page where the crash report prompt will pop up.

Thanks for the reports, but we will start collecting feedback late Monday (early Tuesday) after we deploy some pending changes (that fix several of this comments):


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