@Kwicks Not yet. As it’s a security token, additional licenses are required to list the token. It’s not just NEX that are working towards this but many across the board in crypto.
The second half of this article explains the licenses and steps required:
I don’t think it’s a fixed choice. AFAIK you can claim your fees whenever you want (with a certain minimum of time between it) and choose how you want to claim it.
I don’t know if the timeline has changed, but I asked Ethan about this a few months ago and he said that while it was a priority to allow you to choose how your dividends were paid out, that would likely not be in at launch. Instead, you would get paid in a mixture based on the actual tokens that was traded.
I’d post a link, but for some reason when I try I get an error that I “cannot post a link to that host”.
If you’d like to look, it was posted by him on Twitter on 10 Sept 2018.
in supporting of this point, I think most of the token to be listed in NEX will undergo through serious review to make sure that they are really good projects. So getting dividends from those token will still be profitable in long and short team running.
It wouldn’t be a problem for me to be honest if this isn’t available from the start. I would anyway convert my dividend to the desired token/coin myself after receiving. Would cost me a bit of trading fee, but hey, that would generate dividend for the whole community again, so a win win right?
I dont think that will cause an issue in the start. Since many people are aware that NEX will not have lot of trading pair at launch. But with time, I guest things willbe good enough so that people can choose which coins/token they wish to recieve devidents with.