Staking overview


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LMAO! you got him…

Yes you will!

There will be an overview of how many NEX tokens you have locked in per stake, the fee reward per stake, the duration of how long that particular stake is active for, the number of dividend payments you have received so far for each stake, and a few other bits of important and interesting information when you navigate through to the staking area :slight_smile:


So we will be able to see an overview of all tokens? Not only personal wallet?

Will the staking reward be subject to a withdrawing fee? Also do we have the option of taking out whenever or is it a per month basis?

Does anyone know in what currency the fee will be paid out?

@Kemoyin To begin with, it will be paid out in all tokens trading on nex. In future we will be able to choose which tokens we’d like the payout to be in. Should be soon hopefully as Ethan mentioned that feature is high priority

Especially if you consider that converting to a token of choice will also happen on the exchange, so you’ll have compound volume :money_mouth_face:

I corrected the typo in the title of this thread since it’s a little bit alarming to keep thinking about “NEX Stalking”.

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I should had done that, left it as we all are stalking NEX :slight_smile:

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Is the dividend payout weekly or monthly? @canesin @carla @ethan

It is monthly based upon when you start your stake

And where do you get this information from?

Participation payments are calculated and paid weekly. Payouts will only be made to those NEX token holders who have blocked their NEX tokens for at least one month during the assessment period. NEX Token Holders who have not blocked their NEX tokens during the relevant assessment period are not eligible for participation in the fee income for the relevant assessment period.

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But this contradicts the securities prospectus. Is something right at all if not held to the prospectus? @canesin @ethan @carla

Each step taken has been considerably consulted by the legal team Nd thats why nash held their crowd funding only after obtaining approval from Lietch

But that would mean that the securities prospectus is correct and the website is wrong and paid weekly or do I see it wrong? :thinking:

Would someone please say something from the team?

The frequency will be known with the live material - it currently is weekly or lower on implementation, the final format will depend on benchmarks. The monthly time is guaranteed and currently a placeholder.

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thanks for the correction :blush: