No one knows about Nash

Yeah, It will probably need a little re-structure. I didn’t mean to necessarily write that sentence, just somehow make it clear that this is what will happen.

I will try to do it when i get the time

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I’m actually under the impression that that is not necessarily the pain point regarding the Nash Channels. Of what I noticed in the telegram it seems to be more about what the Nash Channels are and why they are needed. Also simply realizing that funds have to be in the channels and not in the wallet to use the exchange. The popup and info button are directed at that. Also on mobile this popup already comes up when you go to the exchange tab, so even before pressing the Nash Channels button.

Depositing and withdrawing are actually terms I believe most people are quite familiar with. Ofcourse I could be wrong about this and I don’t want to say this is a fact when I simply don’t know that, but it is the general impression I got. But still would be nice to see what alternative you have in mind for that :slight_smile:

Yeah Nash Channels should be renamed to Trading Channel but I think they are already considering this.

I have nothing against the words Deposit and Withdrawal. I just want the destination shown.
A first time user / inexperienced crypto user could as well think that it maybe is a withdrawal to his/her bank account or something else.

It creates unnecessary anxiety that you are not told loud and clear where you are sending money to.

You might want to check for colourblindness, the colours were a bit off :rofl:

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The thing is I’m not so sure if you’re right about this that it is confusing to newcomers where they’re depositing to or withdrawing from. Ofcourse, you could be right but I’m not that sure about it.

FYI, the old user experience was that you had to choose your source and then the destination. For a deposit you chose personal account and as destination trading contract. So as UX it was more sending from x to y than depositing.

After conducting user interviews etc it changed to this. Apparently, in general users were more familiar with deposit and withdrawal. That’s why my standpoint remains that you cannot generalize your feelings or opinion as general experience of newcomers. Sorry I have to repeat that last point but I just really think you can’t.

I didn’t have to design it myself, switcheo has made a good solution to this.

Problem solved. Everything you need to know is clearly clearly stated here.

I’m not sure I agree, I think Nash’s is cleaner, better looking. But switcheo’s is also pretty nice. Like I said opinions, not facts.

Also, your feedback in the end is not that bad and can be actually helpful. Not sure why you have to bring it with such fuzz and disrespect to be honest. For the fuzz you made I find it a rather small and subtle thing.

Not sure why you would give the feedback this way? Saying it is crap UI/UX and acting like it has the most obvious flaws and that your opinions are facts. Is it because you’re giving feedback while being emotional about the NEX price or something? Just throwing an assumption here, but I really don’t understand your way of giving feedback.

To make my point clear i have transferred Nash’s UX to Switcheo.
I highly doubt any research group will go with Nash here.

The reason I got annoyed is that everytime someone comes with a valid critique of Nash, the fanboy team which has no clue about the topic comes in and spams the thread with “i like Nash as it is, Nash has the best team, they did research on this blablabla”
This combined with the co-founder saying the UI is already good… and yes… when you see the Token price you get frustrated because imo the token price has a lot to do with the UX troubles, the not so cool looking App-design and website design (except for the web app dark theme which is actually pretty good).

So yes, I am not a fan of the current design team and a bit frustrated to see Nash falling in price in the middle of DeFi mania. Like we all are.

Oh so nowadays saying UI/UX is crap and a skilled designer could solve it within a day is valid critique.

That everyone believes he/she is an expert in everything is what I think is most annoying. Just give your feedback but don’t act like your feedback is law and that you know it’s what everyone agrees with, when you simply don’t know this.

Anyway this was my last reply with regards to this discussion, I think it has been going on for long enough.

I did apologize for that first message and was not referring to that when I said valid critique from from other users.

Okay so one last response :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

That not everyone agrees with valid critique doesn’t invalidate the critique. But surely those who don’t agree are allowed to make this heard right?

I also never implied that your critique besides the disrespectful part isn’t valid critique. All I said is that things you present as facts or what everyone experience, are merely things you BELIEVE to be true.

And yes that my response to that is that Nash actually researched this stuff and you on the other hand are talking about your own believes and opinions is a very valid response in my eyes.

Doesn’t invalidate your feedback and the feedback is certainly welcome. Also doesn’t mean your feedback might actually turn out to be something to actually implement or that there is no room for improvement. I merely invalidate your saying that what you present are facts or that your feedback is law.

As we discussed UI/UX is not only a matter of taste so please stop turning it into this and look at the direct UX comparison between Switcheo and Nash. This is what the discussion is about. Not how it looks (UI) but how it WORKS and FEELS (UX).

If you think that the “Nash example” is a better user experience than the “switcheo example” you should not be working as a designer.

It is a fact and it doesn’t matter if you like the colors in Nash better or whatever. This is not what the discussion is about. You can transfer the UX from switcheo into the Nash design and you will now have a much improved transfer window that still looks somewhat like the current Nash window.

Maybe Nash researched it but switcheo clearly came up with a better UX-solution as you can see in the direct UX comparison.

So now please copy/paste the better UX-solution