Community questions for London AMA

I hope everyone’s looking forward to our Q1 event in London this Saturday! I’ll be there presenting and will be joined by Ethan and Tom for a live AMA with the audience.

In addition to audience questions, we also want to give Community members who can’t make it to London the chance to ask something.

Post your questions in this thread and like/upvote your favorites. We’ll do our best to answer the most popular questions on Saturday :slight_smile:


Now community is aware that the licenses in USA can be a pain as seen with other exchanges. Is the challenge same for getting the license to list and trade nex tokens for outside usa (aphelion/switcheo seems to be using this method to avoid legal challenges at least for now)


does nash going to reveal some new partnerships soon ?


Will Nash be planning any events in Asia this year or next year? (Singapore / Hong Kong / Bangkok ? )


In terms of payment services, how is Nash planning to use fiat off-ramp for crypto to fiat purchases through merchants? Will there be a debit card or integration with Visa/Mastercard etc.?


What’s the plan for balancing the verification nodes and tps in the future?

A pervasive quality in crypto is the ‘messiah complex.’ Communities will invest in a project, research it to death, and become project ambassadors via social media. A project will solve XYZ and be a solution to millions. Unreal expectations are established by communities with aimless speculation, perpetuated through its members and twitter bots while external feedback will be ignored and presumed to be FUD.

I don’t think anyone here actually thinks Nash will be the be all end all for distributed finance, but we see it as a leading solution in the years to come. My question for the Nash team: what kind of external interest is Nash receiving? Are your partners growing? What is the team hearing from external parties? Any fresh insights from existing partners?

I’m not asking for partners to be revealed. I just want to know what the outside world thinks of Nash.


Will nex token have other utility functions in the future? Does Nash have flexibility to add/change utilities of nex token? Can you give some examples if answer is yes?


Will you have your next AMA gathering in Asia? How about Hong Kong? :smiley:

  1. share of exchange fees will be always 75% ? I mean for life ; ) ?

  2. What happens to our contract if you are bought by a big company ?

:sweat_smile: I know … We’re not there yet but I know you’re going to succeed !



1)Any update on the mobile app?

2)Any update on BTC and new coin listings?

Thanks. :sunglasses:


Are you going to integrate a smart trading gui directly onto the exchange?


What is your 2 year plan for adding more high volume pairings? What are potential hurdles for this?


haha they’ve been ignoring you on this one mate, I hope they integrate it too tho.

Also question: what can the community do to help the team progress as quick as possible? Competitions ect…

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When is Nash spaceship launching? Into the space and beyond?

Ah, their hands are full for sure, just really want the smart trade option so I’ll keep asking :stuck_out_tongue:

How does your team felt overall after the first two beta feedbacks? Were the feedbacks mostly what you guys thought of?


How is the licensing side so far? Any hurdles you guys met and how did u overcome them? Any insights?


With the most recent publication of the BaFin (the financial market authority), the BaFin states a paradigm shift of the way securities can exist. We are talking about tokenization.

Now that “Bitbond” is the first BaFin approved STO, do you see for yourself better chances to seek for a BaFin approval? Is this something you are going to pursue in the near future?


Security tokens are the next big thing, because this is the playground of institutionals. How do you want to attract institutional investors?
It is relatively clear, that you won’t find them on your platform, because they like to spend their money on conventional platforms. Is this something you are interested in and How do you want to connect both worlds?