Will nash have a ceo?

It’s amazing to see 5 co founders, and when each one speaks, they credit other co founders as well. I am wondering, is there a plan to formalize the company structure like other traditional companies to have formal designations like chairman, ceo, cfo, cto and so on. I understand nash is not the typical traditional company, but wondering what the general community thought is

Ethan is the CTO of the company. Unsure if anyone else have those sort of titles or if they plan to have that in future

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@nicefox We already have a internal structure and internal “normal titles”:

You can learn about our organization here: https://medium.com/nashsocial/architecture-and-security-quarterly-report-q4-2018-c8acb8ba601e

The founders form a board were we try to discuss critical items but each has a bit more say on one specific topic:

Fabio C Canesin - Chief Business
Fabian Wahle - Chief Compliance
Ethan Fast - Chief Technology
Thomas Saunders - Chief Engineering
Luciano Engel - Chief Operations



great info, thank you,