Where are Other Three NEX Founders?

I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate the effort being done by @canesin @ethan , @clare in contributing in various topics in this community, we know that you guys, are so busy in delivering your promises, but we are happy to see you stop by this community to answer various questions

But where are the Other Three Founders?, we would love to have a test of them, we need to hear their opinions, insights and their emotions as far as NEX is concerned.

We know a bit about @Ethan : A visionary and ambitious Man and @canesin : The Complication-Free Man for the best NEX User Experience :smile:

We need to hear from other Founders.We need them to reply in this message so we may capture their Tag. What do you Think NEXers?


ping :wink:


I agree with you…Where is Luciano Engel and Thomas Saunders? It will helpful…you guys do video presentation as well.


@Chainblock Thomas Saunders is @localhuman in the post above you :smiley:. @LucianoEngel is on here too but Fabian has yet to join


alright thanks for the info


Hahaha, they can’t all be online. It is a very resourceful and busy team so they’ll need to divide things up efficiently, I am guessing.
Personally, I am satisfied with their level of presence and interaction within the community.

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