Update request On launch

can we expect an update today

are you guys expecting a flawless start with Nash as there has been a delay of the much anticipated launch

would be great if we can use Nash seamlessly from the start

15 posts were merged into an existing topic: Hard at it

can we expect an update today

are you guys expecting a flawless start with Nash as there has been a delay of the much anticipated launch

would be great if we can use Nash seamlessly from the start

See :point_up_2: … we will communicate from the company, so is not only visible by the community. As reassurance what was informed yesterday is still valid: there were no additional surprises.


will this be via twitter and emails ?


Blog, twitter and Instagram as usual in our major comms.


I hope that’s a good sign. I’m a bit skeptical by now :thinking:

so no new update

just read :wink:


What does it mean?

That we will officially know today where the Exchange stays. At least I hope so.

They’re still working on the bugs initially encountered. No new issues.

Sit tight and follow Twitter, Insta, or their blog.

so thr will be a lunch date, or it will be live without any announcement


could you give us a update please guys

even if its just to say youll know more in 24 hours ect

were a easy to please bunch who just want to know if we can leave our computers without missing the launch

Ready when Ready: Learn to Be like -:


Apparently not. After all, they already thought they were done … :wink:

i just want to watch neo sky rocket in at season through nash as i stake my nex