Türk Yatırımcılar Buraya!

Beyler Bu Başlık Altında Türk Topluluğunun çokluğunu gösterebilirsek. uygulamaya kadar türkçe desteği gelmesini belkide sağlayabiliriz. bu şekilde en azından bu neymiş diye deneyecek insalarıda topluluğa katılmasına belki fayda sağlarız.

Ayrıca bilgi ve tecrübelerini ekleyecek kullanıcıların yorumlarında alabilirsek belkide iyi bir yatırım yapma imkanını yakalarız.

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Gentlemen, if we can show the Turkish Community under this title. Turkish support until the application can be provided perhaps. in this way at least this is what will try to join people in the community to benefit.

In addition, if we can get the information and experience of the users to add to the comments, perhaps we have the opportunity to make a good investment.

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I’m not really sure what the question is. To have Turkish translations? I think the team said that they’re working on multiple languages on the site so it is on its way :+1:

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I have no clue what you wrote but you are welcome. Nash speaks all languages :smiley:

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Thanks for the help. I didn’t think of adding English. I’m sorry about this carelessness. :slight_smile:

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sanırım topluluktaki tek türk benim. :frowning:
kötü bir durum türk yatırımcı önemli aslında. ,


I think I’m the only Turk in the community.
bad situation Turkish investor is important

See it as an opportunity to spread the Turkish word! :tada: