Trading experience feedback

Not going to be very original as those 2 points have already been raised, but my 2 current paint points as a casual trader are:

  • Don’t ask for password/2FA when trading. Most trades are time sensitive. Disable it. Just do it. (and later add a setting to re-activate it individualy according to preferences, if feedbacks tell you so which I doubt!). I dare anyone from this community to say they appreciate this security feature.
  • Increase default auto-logout delay to 1+ hours. I don’t want to have to reconnect when making transfers because I have taken my time to be sure of what I’m doing. As above, please add it to the very short term roadmap, it will make everyone happier (and later add a setting to set it individualy according to preferences, if feedbacks tell you so which I doubt!). Again, I dare anyone from this community to say they appreciate this security feature.

That’s it. Most urgent points IMHO. First one is really really detrimental.


:+1:, as you said this is repeating feedback. Both of this are to be solved in today or next week updates (depending on which version goes to production).


Thanks @kazanchev, we are aware and working on resolving, if it persists much longer we will enter maintenance.


Could you be a bit more specific what you mean by that ?