I know Nash Exchange has just recently launched, but i have some stuff i want to get off my chest on what i don’t like and things that could be more visually appealing.
Night Mode Theme - using light theme bothers my eyes.
Showing price equivalency (usd) in order book when you hover over trading pair
- Easier to get an idea of current price for trading pair to USD value.
Better ‘Ambient vibe’ color scheme layout that doesnt look so intense (like Switcheos color scheme) and showing ‘Average Price’, ‘Total ETH’, ‘Total NEO’ when you hover over trading book orders like this one in the picture.
- Looks more appealing to see. -
Instead of having ‘My Size’ i would just like to see the ‘Total’ of everyones order in the orderbook
idk if this is just me or not but imo i wouldve like to seen the ‘Buy & Sell’ Column all the way to the left side and the orderbook 2nd to the left side and than the Chart (like Switcheos layout) - For me it just seems much easier and cleaner to read everything that way.
Would’ve also liked to of seen the ‘Market Depth’ & ‘Recent Trades’ together - makes it much easier to navigate imo
idk if this is possible, but to see the total Volume per day of the exchange next to ‘Portfolio’
This may just be being very nip picky or it maybe concerns to others as well. just wanted to let this out and interested if anyone had same or close agreements to the lists above.