Staking: MVP feedback round 1

Refresh the page and you should now be able to create up to 16 stakes :cut_of_meat:
This is still a temporary solution waiting for the full one.

We are working on a solution that will allow unlimited stakes without any gas fee, though this will take a bit longer to implement ( ~1 to 2 weeks ).

Sorry for the initial limitation, it was only put in place to protect your NEX! We found an issue late in the release cycle and did not have time to properly solve it so we put in the safe limit instead.


Great. You are a great team.

If you now show the gestaked NEX tokens in the portfolio, it would be great.


Amazing work!!! I can’t wait. I will do my 16 stakes now and await the rest till I can do 24. you are all amazing

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“Stakes in progress
8 / 16 max”

This is perfect. Thank you.

Update: Potential issue? Five minutes after I created my 9th stake, I’m able to create a new one. However, it has not reflected that I have a 9th stake. It still says 8 stakes, and my portfolio balance still has my funds from before initiating the staking contract. I also wasn’t asked for my Authenticator code this time, unlike the first 8 times.

2nd Update: It seems to work now when I refreshed. I made my 9th Stake for a 2nd time and it worked. My initial stake seems to have not done anything? Strange. But glad it’s working now.

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I can only say that it worked for me. I have 16/16 stakes now. And all without problems. :thinking:

That’s great. I think I solved the issue on my own. For the part about not seeing the Authenticator input, it was because I had just logged in. It seems within a timeframe it won’t ask for that.

As for my stake not going through, I noticed that if I put an amount that is not divisible by 1 NEX, an amount that has fractions, the site will say my stake went through but nothing on the smart contract side of things happens.

For example, 100.03027415 won’t work but 100 will. Either way, the website says the stake went through but it doesn’t reflect on the contract on the former number. Perhaps the team can make a warning on the page about this in the future to avoid confusion from others trying this same thing?

Go :nash:! :slightly_smiling_face:

Just want to say great job to the team for listening to the feedback and responding with a fix promptly.

The below warning about the number of stakes is perfect for all future users and is exactly what was wanted here. Well done Nash team! Can’t wait until feeless unlimited stakes!

Can we get an option to sort our stakes by clicking the titles or something (aka sort by staking amount, or staking rate, or staking duration? Mine just feel all out of order and I would like to sort.


wow! I want to thank you so much for this quick fix.
I am looking forward to having unlimited stakes soon.
But excuse me now. I am busy creating more stakes :smiley:

Thanks for this!!! Much appreciated.

Where do I need to send NEX token for my extension for staking and on what address?



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Thanks all is done, thank you for help with KYC and staking.

Kind regards

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Great experience so far, trading is fast, funds are very easely found and staking works great. One small point of feedback.
After creating a stake you get the message you can only stake once every 5 minutes. If you click the ‘Create your first stake’ button at the explainer you can bypass these 5 minutes.
Tested it and it works.

Keep up the good work, love the product!


I initiated a staking contract. When I checked all the boxes and initiated the staking contract there was an error and it asked me to “try again”. I changed the amount of NEX I staked and tried again. After that there was success, but upon checking my account balance, it seems that the initial stake did actually go through and now I have two staked, one with the initial attempted staked which gave the error, and the second which was the second time I changed the amount and tried again. Both are locked for 24 months and support just replies with a generic email saying the tokens cannot be unlocked because you are not a custodian. I know this, but what they can’t seem to understand is that it was the website that threw up the error and prompted me to try again, afterwhich both ended up being staked anyways. As a result I believe that I am not at fault here as it was an issue on the server side and not the user.

I’m really sorry to hear that. This is again proof that you have to be extra careful with crypto.

Crypto offers many possibilities but you are also responsible for your own mistakes (even though the website may have misled you).

All the best.

Guys, are the payments every 24hrs or not? why are all the screen grabs showing longer periods?

It should be daily indeed at midnight UTC. I am currently staking my second batch and it says 30 hours. If I would guess, when staking to close to midnight UTC (about 6 hours?), it goes to the next day, but after that I should be each 24 hours.


First day of staking doesn’t pay out because it needs to have at least 1 full day before it can pay out. So your first payout is at midnight UTC on the day after you initiated the stake.

Other than that: yes, payout is daily :slight_smile:


Thanks Nick

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