Spread the #Nash Love

Let’s come together and we can do it. Get your logo just like mine and let’s get to work. Together I believe we can do it. I am all in. Join and just leave comments on every crypto video so #Nash can be visible everywhere. Also every other platform. I use YouTube and Twitter with the same logo as it is here In the community,(I :heart: nash) and yesterday was my first day in being super active. Also talking again with my friends and giving them updates on what is up and last post from #Fabio about the update was really good, Is helping a lot.
We just need to be present and spread the love. The time is now and just keep giving. My message to crypto influencers is:
#Nash love’s you crypto dreamers”
This And a small comment on what the topic is in the video.
I don’t force anyone in doing anything.
We can do it, just be nice and people will follow, the tech and the vision is great. Now is our time to shine. Let’s make some noise :loud_sound::loud_sound::loud_sound:


Great work Radu!


Lets do this!


Awesome enthusiasm @Radu, you’re doing everything you can as a community member to spread the word about nash! Thank you and great idea to comment something relatable and constructive regarding the topic on the forum you are on while having a nash logo in you’re photo! I will do the same :slight_smile:


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