Signed up a couple weeks ago. Used the exchange.
The Good:
– Excellent KYC, best-in-class, most hi-tech experience. Competition not even close.
– Loved the Funds Management. Lined up in a way that’s more intuitive than Coinbase Pro’s version. Maybe an “all” button to view all assets in addition to using arrows to page over.
Needs Work (knowing it’s still MVP):
–Volume. It’s the what comes first…chicken or the egg…well, if I didn’t know about Nash and love what they’re trying to achieve, at first-look, I would go elsewhere. So to attract new users, Nash must show volume first. I’m not sure how the behind-the-scenes work to achieve volume. Enticing more market makers…linking with 0x’s new version 3.0 api’s that link all DEX order books? I don’t know enough, but this is the money-maker; hence, THE most important thing. I used the NEO/USDC pair. I did find some liquidity by placing my bid in between the spread. I got hit, but couldn’t complete the size I wanted to, so after awhile, I just took the offers up to my maximum price point. I had to stop and didn’t finish. Just an FYI on fake volume, which does NOT apply to Nash…if you want to test an exchange for fake volume, you just put your order in between the spread, if you never get hit, try moving your price point around. If you still don’t get hit AND you see trades taking place around yours but not on the bid or offer, then volume is fake.
–Personal account to trading account is too slow. And requires too many steps. This is frustrating when prices are moving and you need speed.
–Some pages are too slow when moving around the exchange.
–Maybe under completed trades… price can show when you click market buy. Price only shows when limit buy. You have to go over to Trades to see market buy prices. Maybe just click market buy under Orders to reflect this, saving an extra step.
–Standard chart vs TradingView chart…like having both. But since I use and know TradingView, it would be nice to build out Nash’s own Standard Chart. On the Standard Chart, there is a settings for volume, but I could’t find settings for the chart. This is needed. Also, more setting options for Indicators.
–I’m guessing Nash is not marketing much since it’s still MVP, which I completely agree with. People will sign up, love the experience, but leave when they see no volume. Unfortunately, traders won’t spend time looking for liquidity when they can just go elsewhere. They will just look at volume first.
–In regards to marketing…please don’t market Nash when saying non-custodial. New users have no idea what this means. Marketing should be…“we can’t be hacked because you own your own cryptos, we don’t.” Or something along those lines. People understand what hacking means but they don’t understand what non-custodial means.
–Security…I know a new version is coming. What about security keys, whitelisting, etc. Don’t know if these can happen with a DEX. But SIM swapping is still an issue.
–Institutions…if Institutions are afraid of holding their own keys and won’t try Nash, maybe Nash can link up with Onchain Custody to hold Institutional assets with a link into trading since Nash and NEO are close.
I love what Nash is doing and I encourage everyone to try it out!