Recurring Purchases

I know that recurring purchases is something very much on the team’s radar, but I wanted to explore a few ideas for when this functionality may be available.

Firstly, I love the idea of automating my portfolio allocation each month, after every pay check. I have been tempted to try out BitWage previously, but their UI and delay/subscription service has been off-putting and preventing me from taking the plunge. I therefore can’t wait to set this up via Nash.

Secondly, imagine being able to automatically set rules for your portfolio allocation. It could for example maintain your assets close to 50% BTC, 25% NEX, 25% NEO each month, as the value of those assets rises/falls. Constantly readjusting your portfolio from each recurring purchase.

Thirdly, now imagine this. I’m sure I’m not the only one in the industry - but I really like round numbers :roll_eyes:. e.g. Having 34.6657436 Nash is fantastic and is a greater number than 34, but I would love it if Nash could offer rounding of balances in future. Not only is this easier as a user to understand and track - it also aids with mass adoption - as many new to the industry are not aware that assets are nearly always divisible (an exception being Neo - for now).

Taking this a step further, when sending funds from your own wallet using Nash Pay, perhaps it would be possible to pay the chain fees in another asset to maintain parity and keep your balances rounded and whole. I imagine again this could see Nash pay & Nash trading generate significant traction if it was able to address these “user experience” issues.

I may be in the minority here, so I’d love to hear from the rest of you. Do you think these are worthwhile areas to focus on? :nash_token::question: