Quick question

Why does Bakkt have the official twitter verified logo (on twitter) and NEX doesn’t?

Big point: NEX HAS MORE FOLLOWERS THEN BAKKT!! Great to think about

Can we get this logo soon?

Once the question is answered I’ll delete the post.


@canesin @carla @ethan


There are lots of account without Twitter Verified Account status, even NEO doesn’t have it with 317k followers.

Hi @Trust_Yourselves, we’ve actually contacted Twitter through different channels to get verified (that has been a long process by the way) and although we meet every criteria, they still get to decide whether we get the badge or not - and when.
Twitter verification form is currently closed but we hope they get back to verifying users soon!


Well spotted! Seems really arbitrary that some accounts don’t get verified even when they meet all the criteria. Hope this is sorted out soon enough for NEX :crossed_fingers:t5:

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Unfortunately verified is something you can’t buy, instagram/twitter both have an annoying waiting list/criteria, and it’s not something that happens overnight… Can take months :sleeping:

Thanks for carlafying this Carla. :grin:

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