Quarterly events - venue selection criteria

@carla @canesin

love the quarterly events and the updates , slightly disappointed (5% lol) with the bad quality of the live streaming with last event, a few information got cut, may be nothing important is missed.

  • How important are live events for nash. Since the majority of the attendees are online, is nash considering online only events after few onsite events?

  • North America seems to be a good choice for next quarterly event. Is it possible to introduce a voting mechanism to find the place/venue. Nash may have other criteria for selecting a place/venue which is not representation of the community, If thats the case, we understand that reasoning.


Im sure there will be a non live streamed version out soon! If not a written report. Am i right? @carla


I’m glad the overall feeling was positive. We did several tests before the event, but unfortunately the connection of the venue had some oscillations during the presentation. We will upload an edited version as soon as we can.

We value face-to-face events because it gives us the opportunity to interact with the community in a much more personal and dedicated way. In addition, it is also an opportunity for the team to meet and work together.

As for the location of the event, there are a variety of critical factors that influence this choice, but we certainly take into account the opinion of the community. :slight_smile:


Hopefully one day you guys can make it to The Bahamas. Have some fun in the sun as well! We’d love to have you.

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