Q4 Quarterly Report: Post your AMA questions here!

Since Nash uses TradingView for charting, are there any plans on getting market data listed on there and becoming an exchange?

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Questions relating to NEX token:

  1. Early last year it was mentioned other players in this space are developing an exchange for security tokens, and they could potentially list NEX. Any updates on this development?
  2. Is there a plan to promote NEX as an investment in 2020? If not this year, in the next two or three?
  3. Will Nash ever send C&D letters to exchanges who list NEX without proper licensure (eg. Switcheo?)
  4. Per your strategy to bring users and volume to the Nash, wouldn’t a logical next step be to acquire a security/broker-dealer license to list NEX?

“You are unable to create orders on the exchange for this market in your region.”
Why Europe can’t trade against USDC ? There is no restrictions for this or I couldn’t find one. When Europe are going to be able to trade against a stable coin ? Why is it taking so long for this to be resolved?


I’d like to know more about the “Custom Limit.” When will it be available in Tier 2 and what will be the max for that Tier?


Any plans on integrating DeFi projects directly in Nash staking and ride the DeFi wave? Which projects if any?


Could you give us an updated list of cryptocurrencies you want to integrate?
(ie. the same list as Fabio posted last quater but updated)


Sometime ago it was planned to decentralize (or have multiple) matching engines, but it was taken of from the MVP plan. In the python API I’ve seen a variable that maybe indicate that users are able to choose a specific matching engine. Therefore, is it still planned, in the long term, to go for decentralized/multiple matching engines?


Hi everyone – thanks for your questions so far! We’ll be closing the thread at the end of Wednesday, so if you have something to ask, please make sure you post it by then.


What happened to the ETC listing as shown in the initial markets?

After BTC, will Nash list more tokens/currencies in the 2, 4, 8, 16, etc order per month as Fabio talked about last year?

Can you share some updates on the Nash maker bot developments? When is the UI integration expected? When will it have market taking capabilities? I heard somewhere that another bot is also in development, can you elaborate on that?


With so many exchanges rolling out on continuous basis, the major challenge facing most exchanges is trading volume. I know the team was confident about strategies to generate volumes. Looking at the way the market is now with the competition, as an investor, I would like to know if the team is still as confident as before regarding trading volume goals and strategies


Red Pulse Phoenix is now a BEP2 (Binance) token. Travala (AVA) was delisted because it is now on the Binance chain, so why hasn’t PHB (formerly NEP5 PHX) been delisted as well?

Will the team consider delisting trading pairs that have protracted low (or zero) trading volumes, based on that reason alone?

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Does the team have any trading volume projections (Nash matching engine) that they are willing to share with he community?

When can we expect SEPA transfer on the exchange?


Why do the API wrappers still don’t support deposit and withdrawal functionality?


Can Nash stop dividends from being paid out, or is it run by a smart contract and can they be collected even without interacting with the Nash website?

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I personally find the tools to complete Nash’s non-custodial aspects just as important as adding bitcoin trading.
Can i ask about the progress of these tools? One to extract the private keys from eth/btc/neo from the pass phrase of nash? And the tool to withdraw from trading contracts without using Nash?


When are we getting LTC, BCH and DOGE wallets?
When are we getting BTC, LTC, BCH, DOGE trading pairs?
Any estimate on when marketing will start targeting an increase in volume?
When are we getting USDC pairs in the UK?
Are there any plans to add a Euro-based stablecoin or create a Nash stable coin?




There has been mentionings from the team to improve the UX or UI. Can you tell what has been done about this? Perhaps some sneak peeks to share?



In the Nash App, under “Markets”, there are three windows (Market cap (all crypto), 24h volume (all crypto), and BTC dominance). Would it be possible to create a “home page” that allows the user to choose say 10-12 such windows from a wide variety of choices (e.g. (in addition to the 3 options listed above) All time (personal) staking rewards (USD net worth), 24h staking rewards (USD net worth), 24h portfolio net worth change, all crypto market cap 24h change (as %), specific (listed on Nash) trading pair 24h change (i.e. a watchlist pair), 24h top trading pair in volume, 24h best (or worst) performing asset in 24h, Nash 24h/1week/1month volume (in USD) - please note that the current 24h statements are not accurate, e.g. if someone sells $1000 in ETH for $1000 in NEO, the 24h volume for each is listed as $1000, suggesting that total trading volume was $2000.

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