Poll: Do you like the font of the exchange and app?

After seeing a few comments about the font used I would like to know what you guys think. I think the exchange & app are great but I have troubles with the font that’s being used, especially for the numbers. I think it makes the overall look less tight.

  • I like it!
  • I don’t like it, there are better fonts!

0 voters

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  • I Like it
  • I don’t like it, there are better fonts!

0 voters

I f*ucked it up. Should be working now… :wink:

good that somebody took up this issue

I dont like the font.

In my opinion the font is looking to playful.

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Couldn’t agree more!

I like the smaller font.

However, the bigger text looks a bit odd. When you look at the numbers on the markets tab, the zero’s are a pixel higher than the rest which gives the feeling it is not proper aligned.

But I would give BTC and USDC for Europe a higher priority :smirk:

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Thanks for your feedback. Of course there are other priorities but UX is important. I have been using Coinbase for years (unfortunately), and I have to admit that (certainly on Coinbase Pro) the look & feel is much tighter/cleaner than Nash. Judging from this small poll, opinions are divided. For now 50/50…

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the font on the website and in the stock exchange is good. what is really bad: are the numbers of the font. these appear staggered and much too restless. if you spend hours on the numbers you get stupid.
if you work with numbers for a long time, I prefer clear, unplayable lines such as the font:


I agree.

I agree.

And I agree!

It is the numbers indeed.

just looked again. in the app it is definitely okay and the numbers also look good (generally it would not be my choice, but you don’t get seizures). in the overflight I would say the 0 and the 9 and the 6 are offset

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