Onboarding new users

Together with some friends, I plan to hold some crypto-related seminars and workshops starting this Fall. My friends already hold those kind of events but for specific audience (mostly forex and stock trading) and they asked me to join them in the new season starting in October. These events are held in person and would transfer to online only if the covid 19 situation gets bad.

Considering the Nash pivot, my strategy would not be to onboard new traders (in the past I have onboarder lots of new users for the L2 exchange but over time they left Nash due to limited number of coins).

Nash limited trading capabilities are not the only factor in changing the audience compare to the users I previously onboarded, there is also the fact that 99% of people are not good at trading. 99% of people are much better of saving/staking/hodling and these are the services I want to introduce them to.

I hope Nash services such as IBAN for crypto accounts will be online in the next few months before those events would start.

Considering the changing audience Nash is targeting (regular people instead of crypto traders and power users) I wonder if Nash has already developed some strategies to reach out to those potential users.

For example, from my perspective, it would be great to have some PPT presentations about Nash services for non-crypto users. Digital materials that explain why some average person (citizen of EU in this case) would use and need Nash.

It would be great to have those kinds of official materials available for people like me that want to reach out to their local communities in spreading awarenes about Nash. Those materials should be developed with the target audience in mind and regularly updated considering the expansion of Nash services. Nash community users could download them, translate for local language and adjust for some local specifics and the Nash community could have a great tool for onboarding new users.

Those materials don’t need to be officialy from Nash, maybe we as a community can develop them and have Nash staff approve of them.

Also, I would be interested to hear suggestions and advices from the Community regarding this idea (maybe of of you already have experience with these types of events, what are the stuff I should focus on, what to avoid, etc).