NEX token are not displayed in Neon Wallet

Dear Nash Community, I would like to know why I can not see my NEX Balance in the latest Neon Wallet?

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Use neoscan for a more accurate view. Neotracker has a bug that shows an incorrect amount for some.

Also, @Lavalamp do other currencies get displayed? Maybe select a different node?

thx. I have restarted the neon wallet now I see it

Hello, can someone please tell me why my extension is not showing me USD value of NEX tokens and Gas I have in wallet?

@Buggiman have you tried switching nodes from settings within the extension?

I just tried but nothing… It is interested because I do not have Neo but it shows price of Neo correctly, but does not show price of Nex and Gas, nor value of what I have in wallet

@Buggiman Not sure about Gas but as for Nex…

Thank you for help, I was scared something is wrong with my extension, I did not log in for long time… But there is still show 0 price of gas, and 0 value of gas I hold, but amount is correct, for both.

It’s things like this that scare me. A new crypto user will not know what a node is. What happens when this sort of thing happens to them?

Where’s the ‘what is a node?’ button?

Either that, or the option to pick a node or the issue itself shouldn’t be there at all.

Lucky for us community is great and we can help each other but yes it is not pleasant to log and see something is wrong and then not to know what to do and who to ask…

For a service to achieve mass adoption it shouldn’t be dependent on its customers to help each other out. It should work seamlessly.
I can log into even PayPal without ever having used it and would have absolutely no issues on navigating my way though it

I must agree you have a point, I just hope there will not be problems like this with staking setup…

NEON wallet is a City of Zion product not a Nash product.

Regarding prices of tokens on the extension: that depends on exchanges APIs, the extension will migrate to a Nash API on the new version. This has nothing to do with the funds availability, it will show you the correct amount on the token itself that you hold.


Same issue with me.