Youtuber Oh hey Matty recent streaming at 58 minutes…informing NEX is not definitely STO?
Any comments on that?
Youtuber Oh hey Matty recent streaming at 58 minutes…informing NEX is not definitely STO?
Any comments on that?
Then why oh hey matty spreading false news?
who the hell is “oh hey matty” and why should anyone care what this person says exactly?
Matty is a respected Youtuber / Influencer. His streams carry weight, albeit not at the level of BlockchainBrad and ChicoCrypto.
Ohheymatty is a crypto Shill like Ian Balina and people need to stop listening to these people and do your own research.
The only thing people get by listening to these shills is REKT while they negotiate free tokens or discounted tokens and dump on you.
maybe because it is easier to fool people than to convince them. seriously stop listening to arbitrary people on the internet. trust yourself in doing your own research and not blindly trust what other say/not say. Ask yourself what is those people business model. Are they really there to help you or more to help themselves.
In the video he says it is a security token in their jurisdiction (Liechtenstein), just not yet in the US. That is true
right. therefore it is important to quote exactly the statements to avoid misleading information/interpretation
@Chainblock I watched the small seconds but in reality it doesn’t make sense, is not because you register a exception that you are not a security. As a matter of fact when you file a exception of registration your condition as a security is determined, the registration of the security offering with the SEC is needed only in certain situations. NEX is a Liechtenstein company and our public security offering was not open to US persons.
There was a small group of unsolicited US investors that received restricted securities. For this we filled to the SEC a Form D that can be seen in SEC website here:
To learn a bit of our process you can read this article:
our prospectus is available here:
This is why this forum is created. To stop false news! Those youtubers create controversial contents to gain views so they can get paid more by Youtube. Therefore, their mindset is to create havoc such as fake news which can gain more views quickly so people get to watch their videos.
It is better to do some reading on what the team has shown and double check on the government websites to verify such as requirements for ST, not believing everything said by a youtuber whose job create interesting content and is to earn money from viewers.
Great work NEX team !!
-bunder :nex_logo:
So US citizens will be able to stake and receive dividends or not ?
And if not will that be changed in the near future ?
Because there are a lot of people asking that ^^
@Harry if i remember correctly, this question was asked during the NEX birthday celebration…
the answer is if they pass KYC, they will be able to stake…
I guess its only a matter of time that U.S. persons can stake… correct me if im wrong.
A security is a security everywhere. If it is registered as a security in Europe, the SEC would recognise it as such.
That’s only an issue for US residents who cannot invest.
Not really sure what’s being debated here. I’m aware of that.