Hi Nexers, as i see Cryptonite extension created their own token and its no longer a free application. 8$ per month is more that i give for vypr vpn which is one of the best.
Would it be possible for Nex extension to act like Cryptonite as i think that it would bring more users at the platform and it would protect the ones that allready use the app. We all saw how well nex extension acts at fake nex pages. I know the team is focus on more importand issues right now just food for thought. maybe it could be a programme that community could put inside the scam adresses and few community members would be in charge to check this adresses before they enter at the extension blacklist, it could be 100% community programme @canesin
Hi @greekscreamer! Our extension already blocks other sites besides fake NEX versions!
Try entering in a fake myetherwallet (like .io) with the extension to see it in action. Also the community already can send contributions of URL and Blockchain addresses to block!
The list is public in our repository: https://github.com/neonexchange/phishing and to contribute all you need to do is send a pull request or create a issue.
When making a contribution please include a description of how to verify the contribution is of a phishing address, like by providing a twitter link for a phishing attempt.
Never knew about this great feature. We should create awareness about this feature so that people can add more phishing websites to the repository.
Good Stuff
i knew that the app could block sites but i found it yesterday that we can contribute adresses too!!! yes many of us dont know about this great feature that makes the app lot more safer specially for new users at the crypto space.
@chctrader that attack relies on one thing: people will elevate credentials and install a compromised binary. That should never be a case.
I know ill informed users will download the fake ppt from the email chain and run it or download the “download manager” to use some “free upload” service. For those I can only recommend a managed machine: iOS, ChromeOS or Windows 10S.
I saw that while checking a couple of links of ICX and INT. I was quite surprised and yes it seems a good idea to me. One more reason for the people to get the Extension installed as some of them could be a bit worried about this step.