@canesin @ethan we should probably get this type of announcement in this group first before Twitter or simultaneously instead of having one of our community members kindly posting a link to the Twitter announcement.
Yeah, we should be informed first atleast one hour before posted in any other social media, this will also drive volume to NEX community platform, knowing that valuable information start here in first place
good point there bud.
Good point
I’m not sure about it, but being a security token I don’t think NEX can disclose official announcements to the community before it does to the general public. It would also give community members an unfair advantage over general public, particularly on announcements that have the potential of affecting NEX token price.
But they can definitely announce simultaneously.
I think you’re right. Of course we would be happy about it but if it could have legal consequences?
I think this is a bit much. It was posted on Twitter at 2:37PM and posted here at 3:20PM. Are we really complaining over less than an hour difference? I know everyone is antsy waiting for launch, but I don’t think this is really worth making a big deal over.