Hello everyone!
I’ve being using Nash application since Day 1 and i want to give my point of view on the product + the compagny on this forum.
Before i’m going to introduce myself. My pseudo on Telegram is Koploseus, i’ve been in crypto since March 2017 (just before binance lol) and i’m a Blockchain dev since 3 years (mostly on ETH, Ark and since a few months on ICON)
I discovered Nash 2 years ago from now, and i’m using the app since D1 and i also participated at the Trading League.
Pro :
- The UI/UX is very good its definitly easy to use at first.
- The earning system is definitly THE feature that Nash succeed at 100%
- The fiat ramp is AMAZING. Would be good tho to see other banks on it hehe.
- Keyllog arrival (thanks again man)
And thats all.
Cons :
I wasn’t prepare to see an application with this amount of bugs! I mean, every day there is a new one (or an old who keep coming back). We can’t even swap on 1inch frequently
The NASH ERC-20 token. What did happened during the new token meetings ?? Why didn’t you juste wrapped your token ? Like Wcres (also a security token fully regulated in Switzerland) , i mean even XTZ (Tezos) who is also a security token is listed on PANCAKESWAP and ORION TERMINAL and you will be able to provide LP
The tech team in charge of the wallet maintenance , are they capable of upgrading the wallet to take in charge the last EIP ? And also to maintains their ETH node to avoid all theses problems ? (i can talk about it because i have also an eth node under geth that i use for my project)
The referral system. 5 Nash ? I tried to shill it to friends (who signed up) but didn’t even bother to touch the nash token. I think that you should try like the scam swissborg or else (a random $ drop between 50$ and 100$ lets say)
The community: Thanks to Valentin the moderator we can’t even give a feedback to the team on telegram. (We don’t forget that Valentin was also one of the biggest fudder lol). We have to create an other channel to speak.
The hype. Its simple, Nash must be on low fees blockchain like AVAX or SOL. It will bring more people (specially Avax people) so more fees in the pocket.
Conclusion :
Nash is a golden gem. No doubt that they will succeed but we don’t want Nash to be at the end of the list either. But for now we are stuck between 1000 bugs and lot of shill that we don’t need.
We prefer getting huge news without warning, than getting a warning and get the news 1 year after (like for earning).
PS : Nash to avoid the HUUUGE eth fees that you are taking, go and Anchor (the aave on terra) almost 0 fees, 19% APY. Via earning we can get 15% and 4% for you (it has been submited on the telegram
PS x2 : You can get real blockchain developpers in freelance for the core team to focus on the Tradi Finance.
PS x3 (lol) : Your DEX is AMAZING, why don’t you use bot to start volume and trader to come ? Everyone is looking for dex with btc and eth tokens.