It is year 2030 and I use NEX services, all my friends are using NEX, because NEX is not just an exchange - it’s a set of financial services with the most convenient and reliable usability. I pay my bills, make business transfers, subscribe to services, make micro payments. For my children, I have opened investment savings accounts that I will give them when they reach the age of majority. I actively manage my savings by choosing where and how my funds will be invested - I’m investing in shares and other securities. I hope to see this scenario in the future …
What features for NEX would I like to see in the future:
• Possibility to make micro payments. For example, we order a pizza with friends and we want to split the bill, but my friend does not use NEX. I send him a link (whatsapp, viber, email or just sms), he opens a link, installs an app and 10$ I owe him are credited to his new account.
• Lending feature. I have free 10neo, which will not be needed in the next 2 months – lend them (like in Poloniex, but with one click)
• Opportunity to invest in classical securities - shares, bonds, etc.
• Bank account functionality.
• Transferring the inheritance to another. None of us is immortal, so we should think about it too - if something happens to me, there’s a need for the simplest mechanism possible for my relatives to inherit my account. For example, my account has not been active for at least 900 days, smart contract automatically transfer all of my account content to multiple heirs.
• Hidden account balance - I do not want everyone to be able to track my account balance. I want to make payments, but I do not want the person who receives transfer to see how much money is in my wallet.
All of these steps should not be implemented immediately, it should be a gradual process of NEX organic growth.
Where do you see NEX? What features you would like to see in future?
English is not my first language, I hope everything written here is understandable