IP and Account restrictions

I am wondering why nash is that strict regarding multiple account creations and accounts with the same IP address.

1. Account restriction
We are not allowed to create multiple accounts. Why is that? I have my main account holding most of my assets and is for staking NEX. But I also want to start trading (bot). This I do not want to do with my main account because I have to give the bot my login credentials and also I have to disable 2FA currently for that.
This is a no-go for me and prevents me from starting to trade. Please let us create multiple accounts for different purposes. I can do the same with banks or other regulated environments. Why not with nash?

2. IP restriction
My father and my mother both have a nash account. Both live in the same home, using the same PC. They just want to do a small buy here or a small trade there nothing big. But now they got locked out due to IP restrictions. Why are 2 people with the same IP not allowed to use nash? How can I explain this to my parents. They can use any bank login or broker login without these restrictions. Why not nash? Now their accounts are locked and they have to do KYC. For a few hundreds bucks of assets. They are not really motivated to use nash anymore.

Also my girlfriend has a nash account as well and wants to use it. But she lives together with me ergo uses the same IP. To prevent getting her locked out she uses a mobile hotspot only for logging in to nash. What kind of user friendliness is this?

Are these limitations because of regulations? Or are there other reasons for that? Can someone explain this to me?
I do absolutely not understand those strict requirements.


  1. We are working on a better solution for that, decentralized API keys, you will be able to not use the login credentials for the bot.

  2. We are looking into it. That is a restriction to avoid the no-KYC tier abuse. For now is better to recommend that they use different devices, such as their mobile.

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The problem is they are already locked out. Support says they have to pass KYC now to use nash again. This is something they do not want to do. Is there a way to reactivate their account?
Do I understand correctly, using different devices but the same IP does not lead to locked accounts?

I think Fabio meant that if they use their phone’s internet connection, that will have it’s own ip address and should let them use Nash without doing KYC

I need to come back to this again.
5 month passed away now and my parents are still locked out from their accounts.
They could use different devices now to use nash services to pass ip restrictions but this can only be done if their account get activated again.

Support were not able to help them out.
The most bad thing is that not only nash exchange services are blocked. The whole nash wallet is not usable for them atm. So they are not able to move their funds anywhere!!
This is something I can absolutely not understand. Why block them from using the wallet??
Sure they could copy their private keys now out of nash but this is always a security risk and if there is any kind of malware on the pc they will not be able to use there account in future.

Please reactivate their account or at least enable wallet transfer capabilities at all time! This are the funds of my parents you are locking right now.

Thanks in advance

Please let me know what we can do to get their accounts reactivated again.
I feel so ashamed telling them what secure and easy to use wallet nash is and now both their wallets are locked due to no real reason.
How can we solve to get access to the wallets without doing tier1 kyc?

To be honest this is my last try to ask for this. After that my parents are out of nash. Not a big deal for nash but I really love this project and atm it is more than embarrassing for me.

Blocking the accounts of 2 persons from one household and not letting them to use the wallet anymore is really bad.

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We actually permit 2 accounts from same IP if they are not used at the same time. Are they both using the computer at the same time with different accounts in different browsers?
To unblock on this case all you need to do is KYC to Tier-1.
If you don’t want to do KYC for this, you will need to export the wallets and use other product as we can’t be sure your are not trying to defraud the system.

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Thanks for the response. It is not about me. I am just writing here for them since they do not have NEX and support can not help.
They will not do kyc. So nash is no option for them anymore.

It is absolutely not understandable for me why wallet functionality is that hard restricted. And nothing I am able to explain to them.

Imao this could be changed or at least it could be pointed out better for the users but its not worth the effort anymore to complain about this…

For me it is always a red flag if people dont kyc! If you want to open a bank account u also need kyc. Why wouldnt they do it?


They do not want to do KYC because they are an older generation than you might be and there happened a lot of shit with personal data in the past in this space.

Primarily they need a secure wallet. I do not know any wallet in this space that needs to do KYC.

And as you might know nash does need KYC neither!
The problem we have here is the restrictions accessing the wallet in one household.

As I already wrote and Fabio told as well: if KYC is the only solution here they need to use other services. Thats what they do now as they did before. This does not solve the problem but it closes the case.

But: I bet this will not only affect my parents in future.

You normally don’t need KYC to use the wallet. KYC now is needed to unblock the account.

I wrote that one sentence later

That exactly is my point here

But hey we can stop the discussion here.
Seems that I am not able to point out what I mean the issue is for nash in general.

Hey @Kwicks, I will close since you don’t want to continue the thread. But would you contact support again and send this thread? What I commented in previous message was added after Jan 11 (original post), so I don’t know if the accounts need to be unstuck or if they are actually doing some crazy stuff but the system should allow two people using it normally in a shared IP.
