First name shown to share with FIAT provider wrong

It is not completely wrong but there seems to be an issue with special chars and spaces.
I have 2 first names and a special char in it, lets say for example “Joellé John”.
When I want to share my details with a FIAT provider my first name is shown like:
The é and the white space is replaced with -

I am sure with these information the KYC will not be successful.
Anyone else having such an issue?

Edit: This is if I select the new provider CryptoCoin. I am not aware that this was the case with Carbon I used a couple of weeks ago.

But one more thing I just saw. I changed my email address on nash the other week. If I select Carbon and go to my profile. There is still my old email address in my carbon profile and I am not able to change it.


Honestly issues like this are probably best to be sent to the Nash support on the website as they will be able to help and respond faster than the community.

I thought about this as well but to be honest I don’t need any support right now.
I did not want to buy, just checking out the new feature.
So I use this forum here as the channel to the team. I am aware that non of the community members can help with that.
I agree that this forum is not for support purposes but for sure to give feedback and mention found bugs.