Feedback latest update on "markets" tab

Hi dear team,

First of all, I love that you guys making upgrades to the exchange every week! I love seeing the progress. This product will succeed!

However I wanted to give some feedback on the latest update to the “markets” tab.

  1. the “/” is way too big or to close to the tickers, it just does not feel right, there is not enough space.
  2. The dark box behind the price is a bit too visible, maybe change the oppacity or delete it?
  3. The dark box behind the price graph is a bit too visible, maybe change the oppacity or delete it?

I think the markets tab will look way better with these small changes!
But you guys are doing great!

Kind regards,


the “/” is too big…
any other design seems good for me…

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My “/” looks normal (on Brave) . Maybe try to hard refresh?

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There was really nothing wrong with the previous layout, the last update to the markets tab (via web) seems like a step backwards. The live updates are great, however here’s what doesn’t work correctly:

24h Volume/Last Price etc - Previously this defaulted to USD which is simple for any novice to understand. I’ve been using exchanges for years and when the new unit was introduced (I still don’t even know what it represents).

Graphs - Background are incorrect.