Feedback from the Community, for the Community

Hey Nash! Thanks fort the opportunity to be involved into improving nash.
I’m happy to read that nash is changing the way users login to the community, because i can’t login to the community from my phone.

Here are my answers:

My favorite feature is the team interaction with the community. It shows they care and are here to help.
I absolutely hate the nash plugin. It works quite mediocre and needs a complete overhaul in my opinion. It lacks simplicity and proper explanation. (a backup code, a key, a color and a word for a color) I also had trouble that the plugin forgot my account twice, and then the backup code was not accepted, had to use the private key.
I also think it would be great to re-visit your rules regarding mentioning other exchanges, and make it easier for the community to talk about where to savely get their hands on NEX tokens.
A community manager is missing from the community, and a official chat like most crypto projects have. I very much like a forum and even think it’s the best way to have organised topics of discussion, but a discord server would be quite good to have! I can even build one if you want, and then transfer ownership. I have quite some experience.
I think a community manager would help for being more engaged on social media and on unofficial chat rooms to keep people in the loop for where possible, and for letting the team know what the community’s concerns and wishes are.
Being the official community, it’s the best place to get answers from the team, and discussions also with other members of the community are properly organised and easy to read again later.

Hope my feedback was helpful!


Question 1

My favorite feature is the design of the community as well as the frequent communication from the team members (which seems to have increased lately, good job)!

Question 2

Right now its just the inability to use it anywhere (aka the login system) which you said you are addressing. Otherwise, I sometimes find it confusing when someone is replying to someone, they kind of get lost in the replies to a thread. Perhaps a reddit indented style of replying to someones reply on a post will be easier to see which message someone is replying to.

Question 3

Like Konijntje said, community managers. Also, I believe the community doesn’t have proper structure. It isn’t clear whether some posts to the community are best suited for posting here, or best suited for contacting support directly. As a suggestion, perhaps break the community into better groupings for people to post in?

Some suggestions for grouping: Exchange, support, suggestions/feedback, Nash future discussion, crypto talk separate from Nash (could bring traffic), price/trading discussion area, multimedia videos/articles to share, etc. You get the idea.

Question 4

My motivation was that I wanted to be involved in helping the development of Nash and be involved in the community to help Nash grow as a product by suggesting ideas, helping fellow community members, and being an active member and brand ambassador for the community. Also I wanted a good was to communicate with the team in a way I know they will be seeing.

I appreciate the team’s work and taking the time to always listen to the community. Nash it!


Thanks Clare for bringing up this interesting topic.

For me it would have to be the quality of this forum’s underlying engine: topic editing, inmail capabilities, notifications, search, etc. are all on point.

I would have said the accessibility of this forum (complexity of login using the extension, nearly impossible login on mobile), but as mentioned by Clare this has already been taken into account and will be improved.

The overall structure of the forum is bugging me. Categories are useless and underutilized. I don’t ever use them as I’m always up to date, so I only ever use the Latest category, but that’s me (see my conclusion). Still I think there is room for improvement there. Better categories definition could I think inspire different forms of feedback and contributions from the community. Not crystal clear in my mind though.

A community manager would be nice, especially as the number of users increases. But I will answer something else entirely.

I think this forum could use some kind of user leveling system. Some might call it gamification or “earning ranks”, it would in the end be a way to:

  • encourage users to get involved and be mindful of the quality of their answers
  • help newcomers get inspired and assisted by seasoned members
  • earn recognition for one’s commitment to Nash and its community

Progression could unlock priviledges, titles, ways to decorate your username (The current badge system is barely noticeable…). In this regard, Stackoverflow might be good source of inspiration.

Well, that’s the easiest one to answer. Nash is my biggest hold, I have every reason to help the company succeed. However I would go further and say that Nash really stands for everything I believe in in the crypto movement (removing the middleman and in the process freeing us from our current legacy financial system which deeply favors those with capital in spite of those without). So it’s an easy commitment.

To conclude I would ask Nash team to take our feedbacks with caution: our needs as early and committed adopters may not be the need of the many when GA hits and the floodgates open.

  1. access to team
  2. not integrated to the wallet
  3. Stos to discuss (not actionable)… nash club NFTs to grant access to subgroups.
    Data collection
  4. access to team

Question 1

What is your favorite feature of the Nash Community?
Like the community, the way we can interact with Nash, people sometimes seems not realize that it’s a chance and an opportunity to have a place to talk about the project with the team.
The human approach is really important, and we feel that Nash take it seriously

Question 2

What is your least favorite feature of the Nash Community?
The plugin, but know it will be fixed or updated soon.

Question 3

What do you feel is missing from the Community?
Need a mobile access to the community, know it will follow too.

What’s Oldsport said
"I think this forum could use some kind of user leveling system. Some might call it gamification or “earning ranks”, it would in the end be a way to:

  • encourage users to get involved and be mindful of the quality of their answers
  • help newcomers get inspired and assisted by seasoned members
  • earn recognition for one’s commitment to Nash and its community

Progression could unlock priviledges, titles, ways to decorate your username (The current badge system is barely noticeable…). In this regard, Stackoverflow might be good source of inspiration."

Question 4

What was your motivation for joining the Nash Community?
First cuz I love the project and trust it, the values and the vision and what it can really bring to the world.
To help the team by our feedback, ideas and discussions. Be part of this community since day 1 I can say that this forum educated me and learned so many things. Feel kind of involve cuz we saw that Nash cares about his community it’s not just a marketing-commiunication thing.


To add to point 3: I can’t edit my posts after a while. Maybe increase the edit limit to a week or so.

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whoops i meant get rid of the data collection

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Another thing I noticed when reading through posts, if I go to a post that is very old with many replies, it starts at the first post, and it takes a long time to get to the newest post. Can there be a button to ‘jump to the bottom’ or latest reply?

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Answer 1:
Access to knowledgeable community members and of course the team.

Answer 2:
I think the UI is pretty poor. I understand this is a community style forum but its not very easy to navigate through and tbh if i was a first time user , I’d probably not bother with the forum.

Answer 3:
Community Stewards, people who are proven experts on Nash, they can police the forums and take workload off marketing and communications teams when Nash gets popular. Also a better UI!

Answer 4:
To talk with people who are also interested in Nash. It’s somewhere that we can all share knowledge and ideas


Question 1

Interaction with the team

Question 2

The Nash community is quite closed so not open to other youtube twitter fb & co networks which prevents the community from growing

Question 3

  • Community managers
  • live chat
  • the ability to find out who is connected
  • see the number of users
  • a better integration with Nash Exchange& wallet (easy to find and not hidden)

Question 4

Contribute to the success of nash exchange


This one is available already, you have to go to the side bars near your icon up on the right, and click “Users”.

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Yes I know but I think of something more visible and dynamic.

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Answer 1

Access to qualified information published from the Nash team and the possibility to share feedback, express my visions and concerns about Nash, with the certainty, that it will be read and heard out.

Answer 2

Mostly what was already been said. Lack of mobile access, the plug-in and the structure. I also use only the “latest” section and I don’t know why, but I have never searched for specific information.

Answer 3

I think a lot more thoughts could go to the community forum and therefore it is good you created the topic and asked the community. I already expressed my vision to Nash contacts, and I think the community forum could be integrated into the Nash products as well.

Why not integrate my forum account with my Nash wallet and Nash pay? You can then rank people by how much they spend and give them plaquettes based on their spending/trading/donating through Nash pay (or any other way of commitment to Nash or any cause whatsoever). People want to express their status, and this is why gold, platinum cards exist. Even Revolut has a metal card. If Nash doesn’t want to create physical cards it will need to innovate the status differentiating online as well and I think contacts/forum could be a good way to start.

Community managers. I believe as the number of users grows, there will have to be some sort of support in the local language as well as some organizational structure. Admins in the Telegram chats are one example of such people. If similar people come later and miss the explosion of NEX, they might be less willing to help. Some sort of additional small compensation could be tied to the forum. “Copying” (read as inspired by) Steem might be a good way to start.

All in all, it has the potential to have the network effect such that everyone would say I am using Nash because everyone uses it. Of course, in addition to I am using Nash because it has the best product.

Answer 4

I want to be an informed investor, so I want to be able to respond, ask and read all the information related to Nash. But as mentioned in answer 3 I would definitely like to use Nash forum to more than that.

  1. Team interaction, the community members themselves - the 1 NEX requirement, as part of the sign up process has filtered out a lot of spammers
  2. Following threads and replies is cumbersome - the site does not remember where you left off and it’s not very clear who someone is replying to in a long thread.
  3. Moderators, chat, subreddit style categories
  4. Share ideas, provide feedback where it’s more likely to be seen by Nash staff

Question 1
What is your favorite feature of the Nash Community?

  • access to information directly from the source / team

Question 2
What is your least favorite feature of the Nash Community?

  • the awards for interacting with the forum

Question 3
What do you feel is missing from the Community?

  • a live chat / messenger function

Question 4
What was your motivation for joining the Nash Community?

  • to get information that was not covered by the Quarter Reports

The community overall. Getting in touch with people who care about the project and have discussions about several topics with them.

The badge system, because there is no badge for beta testers :cry:
Joke aside.
I think some gameification tools can be used to show how reputable a member is. When I’m new in a forum it is nice to see if the response is from a reputable member or from someone who joined 2 hours ago.

An area to manage all the ideas coming up along the way. I have the feeling in many forums a lot of posted ideas just got sucked up from a black hole over time and get lost.
I’m thinking about a tool where ideas can be pushed in, from community members. With publishing the idea, the idea will enter a funnel. Entering the funnel means, the idea is in a state where someone of the team is responsible for it. Responsible should mean in this case, that an evaluation will happen and due to its fit the idea will either be closed or be prepared for the next steps.

I like forums + I’m invested in nash -> I’m here :smiley:


What is your favorite feature of the Nash Community?

“Quality” discussions with team interactions. Making Nash Community a unique selling point for Nash.

What is your least favorite feature of the Nash Community?

Log-In with extension. Makes it hard for new users to join.

What do you feel is missing from the Community?

Link between Exchange and Community account.

Maybe we could link this to existing Digital Identity solutions or build Nash’s own one :thinking:

What was your motivation for joining the Nash Community?
Access to team

Thanks for being able to share my thoughts.


Question 1
What is your favorite feature of the Nash Community?
I would have to agree with the others here and say direct contact with the team and enthusiastic community members

Question 2
What is your least favorite feature of the Nash Community?
The structure could be improved, in the sense that I think we need more categories for forum discussion, so that good ideas and contributions from the community don’t get buried.

Question 3
What do you feel is missing from the Community?
Community managers, someone to help bridge the gap between the community and the team. I think this will become more important as the community grows.

Question 4
What was your motivation for joining the Nash Community?
Access to the team and to share ideas with the community as it’s a project I believe in.

Question 1

What is your favorite feature of the Nash Community?
ANS: Message board

Question 2

What is your least favorite feature of the Nash Community?
ANS: Current interactive tutorial

Question 3

What do you feel is missing from the Community?
ANS: “Gamified” interactive tutorial

Question 4

What was your motivation for joining the Nash Community?
ANS: To interact and to be involved with the community