Does my Mom able to use Nash? It it easy to use?

Hi Fabio,

I check the pictures,it does not look as simple. I saw your previous video,you said even grandmom can use it…Is it changed now.

They haven’t really shown the simplified trading interface yet. So let’s wait and see

Are you sure?

As I’ve said in another post, they have shown the simplified trading interface at their birthday event and it looks extremely simple.

If you could link this image it would be great

You can see the interface in the background


Hi @Chainblock!

So right now we are only showing the advanced exchange user interface (UI) which is aimed at more skilled traders who understand these types of systems a bit better, but we do have a simplified UI which helps to reduce to cognitive load for people who are brand new to the space - you’ll be able to see this on launch :slight_smile:.

It’s also worth noting that what you see on the products right now are examples of accounts/UIs that are in-use where a user has become familiar with the platform, its features and its functionality.

At Nash, we understand that this may not be the case for brand new crypto users where they understand everything immediately - there is always a learning curve to achieve. To help with this learning process we have created on-boarding screens/UI elements/support modals throughout that help guide a new user through the platform to teach the more tricky functionality nuances, minimise the learning curve, and get them using a decentralized platform to pay, trade and invest.


Thank you.Also can you able to create interactive video show ,(how to use it).