Distribution of posters to universities

Dear Community

I am a big fan of Nash and I was a lucky winner of the lottery draw. I am from switzerland and currently studying Business Engineering. As you probably know, the swiss people are very interested in crypto currencies. You can buy bitcoin at the ticket vending machine and every third student is interested in crypto currencies. I remember when Neo printed posters for a programming competition and the community distributed these posters to universities around the world. After listing the Nex token on the Nash Exchange, I would suggest something similar. I can’t tell fellow students about Nash because nobody wants to trade on switcheo for nex tokens. I cannot wait to print and distribute posters…What you think about this idea?


Awesome idea!

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Welcome to the Community @bern94 :nash_n:


happy Birthday @clare


Thank you! I hope that the nex token will be listed anytime soon. Because I would like to give presentations about the nash exchange in german for the fellow students :slight_smile:
They would be very intrested to earn passive income in form of cryptocurrencies.
Happy b-day! :slight_smile:


I’m an active alumni and live quite close to my university. I support the idea and would print some off to post as well.

And congrats! :slight_smile:

Great Idea! In Canada, like in many other places in the world Universities (often being charities) tend to stay away from commecial activity or any type of direct marketing to their students that is not connected to learning at a level the University has validated. I am not sure what method of distribution was used by neo. I would absolutely hand out flyers to students. However it may be possible for the university to actually support the effort by sending its students emails. My sense is you will need some kind of educational angle though.

In the practice I run, I have a client that operates in this space here in western Canada and in the US. I can have conversations with them if needed. Again great Idea!