Competitive prices?

I wanted to trade some ETH for NEO today and I really wanted to use nash for it but prices were not competitive.
I already had the ETH in my trading account ready to get NEO but then I sent them back and external to binance. There was a 10% difference in price to binance.
At the time of writing prices are great, but most of the times there is a gap of 10% higher prices on nash. I had this problem for a small trade last week but was happy to take the loss just to try out nash. But for a higher trade a did today it was just not possible.
Not sure how this can be changed…

Well it’s because there is no volume I guess. Read some lines here that it is because 'there are only shitcoins" listed. I didn’t agree, but imo there needs to be a pair with high volume (hopefully we will get this when btc is here) and then some of the other pairs (esp. neo, eth) could get ‘infected’ :wink:


I just traded. The NEO/ETH pair has a low spread and a fair maker volume. Not great if you’re a whale, but enough otherwise! :wink:


Can’t wait to do all my trades on Nash though… Going from exchange to exchange is tideous!