Coinbase launches visa debit card - what are your thoughts?

By this time tomorrow, the financial world will be saturated with news of Coinbase’s new visa debit card which will allow crypto owners in the UK and EU to spend crypto instantly. This is certainly good for mass adoption and use of crypto.

I will like to suggest that less is said by team Nash about their plans until closer to implementation. Unique ideas like Nash’s staking and non-costodial models are now being adopted and appropriated by Binance and Coinbase. These companies are determined to stay relevant and will shamelessly lift ideas from an up-and-coming competitor like Nash, even if it means executing prematurely.

For the ongoing beta testing, I think Nash should continue to restrict critical and innovative features to NDA. I also think members of this community should exercise discretion in sharing images of what they see during all phases of the beta. There is really little value in sharing results of the beta until close to launch proper.


I think it’s good for crypto and Nash needs to have the same thing. Competitors are going to copy ideas, can’t really stop it. The NEX token and staking model is an awesome idea. They’re trying to copy it but nothing really compares with what Nash has suggested so far in that regard imo. The Nash team just needs to deliver on their vision.


I agree, I don’t think any of the current projects will be able to compare with Nash in the near future they’ll all be playing catch-up before the end of this year.

Eventually one of these projects is going to succeed in creating a platform for all things financial like credit/debit cards, collateralised lending, payment gateway + payment network, p2p payments, p2p lending, insurance, crypto + fiat + stock + commodity + securities + derivatives exchange etc…

My hope is that Nash becomes a one-stop shop for all things financial allowing users anywhere in the world to do anything they need using just one account. Imagine a global boarderless account for all things money that enables users to lend, trade, purchase, invest, insure, borrow and spend without having to rely on any single financial institution, currency or asset class. Bitcoin + Lightning might end up solving the p2p payments, payment network and gateway problem hopefully Nash becomes the de facto solution for the rest…


What im thinking is nash have to really expand their team to be able to really move forward faster. And i think they will start expanding faster by end of year when the markets are over 200 at nash exchange

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imo they’re not down to share their fees, and something like a visa crypto card i can imagine takes quite a lot of paper work, I bet coinbase has been working hard on that for awhile, they are a massive corp do not forget. What nash is doing for the community is not greedy, it is innovative, so I don’t think they’d hide such things anyway.

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The beta rules set clearly that Subgame is to let Beta testers share their thoughts to the world… the reason is simple.

  1. to get more and more suggestions for the team to improve
  2. people can see how the exchange can evolve after the Beta
  3. raise even more awareness for nash

The NDA Beta is ongoing already until the 14th.

And that’s the point! I think Nash should adopt this strategy of playing their cards close to the chest.
Keep mum until ready to deliver with full force…

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As a personal opinion: I do not think physical debit/credit cards will be around much longer. Imagine how much you were using paper money 10 years ago, and how much you are using it right now.
Mobile devices as handheld supercomputers can take up endless amount of functions. People are already attaching their physical cards into their phone’s flipcover. It is almost inevitable that all physical cards are integrated into the mobile devices of the future.
For the present moment, debet and credit cards may be nice. But I do not think it will be the future. Just like @CypherInvestor mentioned; lets hope for an all-in-one Nash app that handles your finances.


Smart phone interface is essential for mass adoption.


ya blows my mind everyones not paying with their phones yet. Wallets will be obsolete given time… Obviously some people will still use that inflated paper stuff too. Would be amazing if nash was on the forefront of this 0o

My iPhone still does not allow me to do payments in the Netherlands unfortunately. I would if I could

Good as it makes crypto more mainstream and makes adoption easier.

True they will try to steal this however the main reason NASH can do this is because it is a security (I thought), so until Binance or Coinbase get that paper work they can’t steal it (i think).

Coinbase launched it only in the UK, and only plans to expand it into Europe in the near future.

totally agree.

Didnt Canesin say “Yes on partners No on Nash” with debit cards… sounds like they are looking at debit cards but white labelled by the fiat partners

something like this :

Said they have no plans to currently pursue it.