Buying NEX from Aphelion?


Can I buy NEX from Aphelion and then transfer it to my Nash extension ?
I already have NEX from my investment but want to get some more.

You can do whatever you want to do. Aphelion is not a licensed securities dealer, so itā€™s up to you if youā€™re comfortable buying it there.

If youā€™re concerned about staking it, the team has already said that once you satisfy KYC, you can stake. Doesnā€™t matter where you bought your NEX.


If thatā€™s the case regarding Aphelion, then I donā€™t think Tokok is a licensed securities dealer either. At this point, I think any exchange offering NEX is fair game. Iā€™m not sure what the long-term implications of buying a digital security from a non-licensed dealer are for the buyer, though. Itā€™ll be interesting (and a little nerve-racking) to see how this plays out for all of us.

I remember @canesin said in the event AMA that it doesnt matter where u get the NEX tokens from, and as long as you can pass the KYC for staking, you are good to stakeā€¦

People should be free to invest/spend their money freely, as long as they are not involved in crime.
I believe the purpose of blockchain and a true DEX is to offer the average citizen a path to financial freedom.
A world where governments make arbitrary financial laws is not a free world.

See Fabian reply on the Q4 event:


Aha, from the 47th minute. Good one :+1:

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