Shouldn’t the “2nd phase of user testing” have started yesterday?
I am asking because @canesin said that all investors are invited to participate but I couldn’t find any message about it.
And we gonna use the community again here and we gonna invite some of our investors, actually all the investors here are invited to participate on this.
As I said in the presentation it is a closed QA, “all investors here” meaning the investors in the presentation were invited, those who agreed to sign the NDA and had a workable timeslot are participating on the interviews. This is a near-finished but not the final build and we will collect immediate feedback from the interviews to be preemptive on potential UX issues, on the 23/8 we will create a few threads for more general impressions.
Ah ok, you were referring to the people being present in Boston.
I understood it that way, that it’s “closed” as the participation is limited to investors (token sale participants). The wishful thinker guessed that this is some kind of “thank you” for the original investors to try (and stake) a little bit earlier.