Any Updates on other U.S states approval to trade?

I noticed (or to the best of my knowledge) that there haven’t been any new states approved for trading in some time. I was wondering if the team could give an update on the situation overall. Have you applied to all the states and it’s just a waiting game now? Are you giving more attention to a few states at a time? Or have we put new states approval on temporary hold as it would require too many resources?

Out of the states that can’t currently trade, are there any that you believe will be able to trade by the end of the year? Or is there anything in regards to timelines that you can tell us as it pertains to approval?

Any information that can be given, would be greatly appreciated.


@canesin would you be able to provide any updates in regards to this?

We aren’t pursuing expanding the reach at least for this quarter. Right now Nash is available to almost half of the world population, it would be amazing to be available to everyone. But to do that first we need to gain some market share in the markets we already operate on.