From the 15th to the 16th of April there is in Vienna an event called ANON summit. It is about blockchain, AI and IOT. Also some known people from the crypto space are invited as speakers, like Andreas Antonopoulos, Lili Zhao (from NEO), Eric Demuth (Bitpanda), Maximilian Marenbach (Kraken)…
In the last report it was mentioned, that a big userbase from nash is located in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). Also bitpanda, a well established exchange from this region, is presenting on stage. Therefore it would make sense imo for nash to be present at this event . (+ I would be happy to meet nash people at the event )
@BitSpencer sorry for answering that late (cause your post is deleted). Glad to hear, that you like sacher torte and wiener schnitzel.
I’ve taken a look into the tickets and the prices. There are different categories where you can choose from (standard and business).
One standard ticket will be 300€ - But as a group of 4 it is possible to buy 3+1, which will lower the price to 225€ each.
For students it is possible to get a standard ticket for 108€.
20% taxes are included in these prices.
Well let’s see. If nash is going to the event, I guess some nashians will be there. Otherwise it will be much harder to arrange a meeting at the evening. When nash is going for it, hopefully there will be some response in this thread.