Additions after BTC and LTC

What coins would you like to see added to the exchange once btc and ltc are trading? Maybe in a year or two we will have the majority of the most popular chains on nex, both currency coins and platform coins.

Not only will it bring more volume for stakers and traders but will continue the hybrid exchange approach, giving users control of their funds where possible.

Fabio mentioned researching EOS so could possibly expect that at some point. What else should NEX add?

Anyone got any input on this? Not that i expect it will make a difference but who knows, maybe in the future they’d listen to the community on this sort of thing

I would really like to see Elastos on the exchange but i think the tokens that will be used the most as payment are going to get listed so XRP seems more likely than ELA.

I’d like to see the usual BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH, NEO, ONT, EOS, XRP, TRX, ICX, ADA. I think most of these are garbage but that is where the volume is. I’d love to see the security token industry exploding, through STO’s… as well as the digitisation/tokenisation of traditional asset, equity, currency, commodity markets.

NEX can position itself well if they become a digital trading floor for all things.

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Tether, EOS, XRP, just work our way down the list…

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Don’t forget to charge your phone, it only has 23% left!


:grin: on the road / holiday at the moment opportunities to charge the phone are few and far between… Interestingly my holiday ends on the 18th of January, looking forward to the news from the team!!!

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I agree

I totally agree…!

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We should start by listing tokens with real world usage like $AVA :smiley:

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I would love to see the standard additions, BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH, NEO, ONT, EOS, XRP, ADA as they allready have good volume.

Important additions in my opinion are new coins with a big future to drive volume and liquidity to the exchange. Hedera Hashgraph, Thunder Token, Dfinity, Holochain, etc

New coin listings that will bring lots of new users to NEX.



I’d definitely like to see EOS asap. Love or hate them, they are the big dog in terms of app usage and transaction volume (even if it is 90% gambling – still legit usage). NEO is the more ‘sober’, but EOS must be considered important at least for 2019.

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