About 25000 ICO participants. Only 900 community members. Suggestions?

Remember when everyone was hating on Nash for not having an official telegram during the ico craze last year? Most people didn’t appreciate the wisdom behind that decision but with time it became clear that it was the right one.

It’s a similar situation here; there hasn’t been a single troll post, no obscene images or childish GIFs posted everywhere, just constructive dialogue. I’d say that’s pretty unique for a ‘crypto project’. This is only because trolls have to go out of their way to acquire NEX and make an account, only for their post to be deleted.

If this forum were to be opened up to everyone it would be no different to having a discord chat room. The Nash team has demonstrated tremendous foresight in many of the decisions they have made, I trust this will be another one of those.


They aren’t excluded from reading only writing. If they are that desperate to contribute, they’ll find a NEX somehow. So…yeaaahhh…!!!

True however you would have thought the ICO participants would sign up as they of course do have tokens. Not everybody is interested in joining forums to be honest. I have only recently joined as I thought this was more of a developer and coding group rather than a replacement for a standard discord chat group :flushed: