A Wikipedia page for Nash

:thinking: What do you think of a Wikipedia page for Nash?


:ok_hand: :+1:

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@BILLYBELT2018 absolutely a great idea. It’s against their policy for an employee to create a page on behalf of a company so it would have to be done by a person outside the organization.

Note: To be considered, your company needs an interesting story about what it has achieved, and it must be a story that’s been told by working journalists. Wikipedia is not a place for self-published information, but instead what others have written about your brand. Credible news sources are a must. Press releases and company websites don’t cut it and, for the most part, can’t be used.

Thanks for bringing this up!



Great idea and I think the time for it will surely come. But I’d rather we held it off for now. Once Nash enters GA (at least fiat ramps) it will make sense. That way, the publicity will be maximized with the platform and products in full steam.