On the unofficial telegram, someone just joined in order to contact the team/company. However he (and also me) were unable to find a email address for media or business related inquiries.
I will link him this thread so he can hopefully wait and see for an answer!
I agree. I checked for more appropriate channels to pitch business ideas, twice, but then resorted to contacting poor Fabio directly in both cases.
I’m sure the founders have enough to contend with and I don’t like the idea of burdening them with potential nonsense; relegating the task of filtering out the nonsense, and then researching promising ideas prior to passing along the message to the appropriate team feels more suitable.
At the moment the only contact email disclosed is contact@nash.io which serves as a filter since it is directed to the responsible area according to the content.
However, as Fabio mentioned:
And one of the goals is to make information clearer throughout the website.