Questions regarding staking

Unless it has changed, I believe the formula from the whitepaper was:

exchange revenue * (your NEX staked / 50,000,000 NEX) * stake % rate

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Would it be possible for staking dividends to be paid in personal account rather than in Nash channels?

I donā€™t want to trade away my staking dividends.

I donā€™t think this will be possible any time soon because: (a) The whole system is set up so the dividends are worked out and distributed with the matching engine, which controls channel balances; (b) it would introduce the issue of network fees.

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If I may add, keeping them in Nash Channels would likely justify future features like ā€œReceiving only 1 type of coin as dividendsā€ as well as ā€œConvert dust to <your_favorite_coin>ā€.