Product virality: The untapped potential of Nash payments

‘ready when ready’ lool

i guess this phrase is only viable when @canesin says this lol :grinning:

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Forgive my ignorance…but…
I still don’t see how the “fiat friends” actually initiate their fiat payments to ur Nash account ? what information represents ur Nash account ( i would imagine they would need something that either is or represents account number and sort code?.. that fiat is then converted to USDC
How do traditional payment processors convey to Nash that you want the fiat converted to Eth?

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I think that’s a great idea, and want to add that maybe it’s also a promising addition to be able to send the payment link from app directly via most app’s ‘‘share’’ options menu (which directs to other messaging apps) as a means to insert the link in Whatsapp, mail or any of the others.

So Nash App–>Share-menu—> messenger.