Poll: Name change from "Personal account" to "Wallet"

My issue with Vault is that it implies you don’t trade from it. As a storage account it works, but I think it would cause confusion if we were meant to trade from it.

I’m sure Nash has done this research extensively, but I looked around at other L2 DEXs to see what they are doing.


They call it ‘Enabling your account’, and provide a short description of what this means for the user. The ‘Find out more’ button links to a support page:

I didn’t continue to step 2 – not willing to pay $20 to find out :expressionless:

Loopring 2.0

Seems like their goal was to match Uniswap’s familiarity – ‘Deposit to Activate Layer-2’ isn’t user-friendly, but it doesn’t matter because everyone knows Uniswap. Here’s what their sidebar shows when you’ve connected a wallet:

Again, not user-friendly and no explanation of what’s going on. When you click on ‘Activate Layer-2’:

Similar to DeversiFi, there’s an explanation of what’s going on (sort of) but they keep their language very techy. Layer-1 & Layer-2 balance explains literally nothing to a new user (if anything leaving them more confused). I think most people would agree Loopring isn’t designed for new users though. If it is, apologies to their design team. You guys have work to do lol.


I remember a segment in the second last podcast episode (with the design team) about making something complex TOO user-friendly [timestamp 15:15 - Fabio Canesin]. I think Nash is fighting an uphill battle, in that they’re trying to make the user experience super similar to a CEX, but the problem is Nash doesn’t function like a CEX. When someone comes to Nash, tries to deposit into Channels, and sees the high deposit gas fee, they might think “Well I’m using what looks and works exactly like a CEX, but I’m paying this giant fee for some reason.” There’s no explanation on Nash’s side either. It’s just a fee you’re forced to pay.

DeversiFi and Loopring at least provide an explanation (albeit a bit cryptic) of what’s going on and why that fee is being paid. Personally, I think this page would do well to include a message about why you’re paying a fee to deposit into Channels:

There’s a lot of blank space there, and I think it would clear things up if there was an explanation similar to DeversiFi along with a hotlink to a support page explaining Layer-2 and its benefits. I also like how DeversiFi peppers in the benefits of ‘activating your layer-2’. It reminds the user of why they’re spending gas fees in the first place. Personally I think naming conventions mean less than just overall transparency. With Nash, I think new users have an issue with just not understanding why they’re paying fees as opposed to what their accounts are called.


Very good point and that was what informed my initial objection to using “vault”. Well, it is good that most people agree on “wallet”. A bit more thinking may have to go into considering an alternative for “Nash channels” but that can probably wait as there are more pressing issues that need to be addressed on the exchange.

Vault should best be used for Savings when it comes out


For me a vault is something I want to store my passwords and credit card information in :wink:
I like wallet more than “Personal account”

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clearly for wallet. crypto is confusing enough. I am still for:
traiding wallet
implies that it is another “wallet” and funds are pushed back and forth. it is also self-explanatory. keep things simple in a complex environment.
Personal Wallet
Exchange Wallet


How about a compromise - best of both worlds “Vallet”? or “Wault”? (/joke)

Agree with “Wallet”

Personal and trading wallet are great!

Exchange wallet or Nash channel sounds like it losses non-custodial approach.

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Super easy to understand. I LOVE IT :handshake:

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We had “trading wallet” before, it is technically incorrect and people would expect to be able to send a transfer to it - as a smart contract that is not possible, you need to invoke the smart contract.


Trading channel then?

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I am aware of that. but point one later bothers max 3% of customers. points two and three are not disadvantages. As you say, the customer can tell by the name that there are costs for the transfer. and that nothing can be sent incorrectly is not a disadvantage. Of course, there is a small note that it is not a real wallet, but that it is state channels / smart contracts.

the support will answer questions one way or another.

Personal wallet
Trading Contracts

is not bad either. after all, dex users should feel safe with it.

there will probably not be a perfect solution.

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Trading contracts is really great, bravo! :+1:

Trading contract still implies ownership of asset, it suggest that you are using a contract to trade YOUR coins (assets). It satisfies both the principle of ownership and a need for initiating a trading action.

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I think that was the first thing that nash started with :wink: but can’t remember too much happens at nash

I agree. My preference would be to use what my mom would be able to understand (and believe me, she’s trying this crypto thing really hard :smiley: )

I would use “wallet” and “trading wallet”.

Keep it simple.

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As per Fabio above, ‘Trading Wallet’ implies you can send crypto to it from an external source. You can’t, because it’s a smart contract that needs to be invoked from the Nash platform.

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is not so right. even with a wallet, you CANNOT simply send something from outside. you have to look carefully because neo on a btc address and you lose funds.

put an “i” on it with “only accessible via nash, no real wallet but smart contracs”

it is roughly a second wallet. is shown in the app itself. not for 3% of customers, but the other 97% see a second wallet. what is it for? to trade … so what should you call it?

Great to see this being changed to cater for the untrained minds entering crypto.
As mentioned already ‘Vault’ would be great. Even better would be ‘personal vault’.

I understand it has only been changed recently, but I think a great name for ‘Nash Channels’ would be ‘Trading Room’.

All the best. And thank you @canesin for allowing us to make suggestions

Will it be possible in the future to send and receive from Trading Wallet?

  1. The biggest concern should be to get rid of “Portfolio and Assets”… This needs to be combined into one page.

Nash Channels
Personal Account
Staking Account

This is at least 2 words more than we need :slight_smile:

  1. Nash Channels is not a word that makes sense to anyone. Go with something that includes the word “Trading” or “Exchange” and you are already ahead.

  2. When you (as a new user) click the “Nash Channels button” you are not really sure what you are doing.
    Make it clear FROM WHERE you are sending the money and WHERE TO.
    Especially since you don’t know what Nash Channels is yet :slight_smile:
    “Am i depositing money to my trading account? or to my personal account? or my Assets? or to/from my bank account? Do i have a trading account? Does Nash Channels mean Trading Account? Should good UI require that i click the “i” button? Nah… I am too tired for this”

  3. Wallet beats Vault … not close.

My 4 cents.
Keep up the good work guys