Our community values and strategy

I’m still at university, but I would love to work for Nash and be involved in the marketing for the german speaking countries. Some people are hoping for a fast expansion, but I hope for a job opportunity that comes with expansion. I’m pretty sure we will achieve that! :wink:

Greetings and great perseverance! :slight_smile:
#stayhungry #stayresilient #staynash


I have ~60% of my total networth in NEX (yeah its not really optimal from diversification point and all of this stuff). I read Fabio right now… And just bought more NEX :joy: Maybe i’m crazy but i fully believe in Nash and team. :kissing_heart:


I really miss quarter reports. They made me confident in your success and now i dont know where we are. What is going on with milestones and so on. For example i know that nash pay and fiat ramps now is a legal question and we are waiting for the approval but i dont know what are the deadlines.


Great read Fabio. I gues some fudders are unhappy about current token price and trade volumes which along with the postphoning of a lot of deadlines and sometimes the lack of info on current progress creates uncertainty. Especially in a market where we see competitors move quickly as well. Anyway I fully believe in Nash and it’s vision and want to see how this project evolves. Good to see that your team is also committed for the long term!


Not boasting, I love the perfect timing of this post. 5 weeks ago I wrote:

I realized two things back then:

  • Nash has pivoted over time, and so too have my own aspirations alongside it. When I first discovered NEX, I thought: “cool, a more secure exchange with a potentially lucrative dividend model”, and so monetary gain was my primary motivator; whereas now, I’m hoping that I can gradually phase out things like PayPal and traditional bank accounts entirely, and also use Nash for many other things I’ve yet to consider in the future.
    So while long-term vision factored in secondarily (as I’m sure it probably did for much of the long-standing community members), over time it grew, and now I consider this vision to be more important to me than my NEX investment itself (which also grew, just not nearly as fast). My answers in the recent poll reflects that sentiment.

  • Some people may firstly join the community because they share Nash’s vision, and want to keep up to date or help to build, but if that’s the case, then they can clearly see the value in what is being built… Isn’t that a surefire sign as any that something may be worth investing in? A good number of those individuals would probably also end up acquiring NEX tokens.

As such, I think the community spreading awareness of the NEX token to the right crowd is a great way to help grow the community.

Occasionally I see twitter trolls saying crap like “lol nash bagholder shilling”, and I almost feel bad for them because they couldn’t be more wrong. Bagholders typically don’t accumulate even more, and then stake it for X months on top, preventing themselves from dumping it.

I agree, and feel that those in the community who share Nash’s vision should consider tactfully reaching out to individuals with a nudge and a whisper approach. Observe and learn what a person values/desires (Tech? Money? Knowledge?), and then offer it to them. Such effort will go much further at this point in time.

This is something that only those who have already discovered their own purpose(s) would be able to comprehend. Finding and fulfilling those purposes is the very meaning of life that seems to elude so many, and while some purposes are fleeting and quickly reach fruition, others transcend one’s lifetime and require another to pick up the torch.

Most of the fudders surely lack purpose, because they lack a desire to understand others and themselves. Instead of searching for their purposes, they fill the void with a desire to hurt and sabotage others, unthinkingly, for “self-gain”, even when it’s not even self-gain, it’s actually just for money; money which can cause more harm than good in the hands of someone who’s ignorant, directionless and confused. Give those types infinite money, and they’ll become progressively miserable.

I hope everyone realizes this when contending with fudders and trolls. I hope moreso that the fudders and trolls realize it themselves, and get their shit together.


I worked two jobs while taking mechanical engineering in uni for nex tokens…best decison I ever made


Trudeau is currently help pay for my NEX tokens :wink:


I totally support :grinning:. My case is the same :handshake::yum:

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Excellent post and an excellent re-affirmation of what Nash is all about. I hope we can all get behind this great vision.


Thank you for the community message. I think this is just what many here needed.


Thank you Fabio! We are lucky to be in this community.


There should be enough detail of this on the community forum, just use the search query or open a topic if you can’t find.

I appreciate the update. I was thinking a lot about this as I like NASH and bought a significant amount of tokens to stake with you. How does NASH get its mission out and become a much greater used exchange. Binance went from nothing to huge. One of they major reasons for its success is its financial incentives. The rewards for staking are good, but the rewards for sharing Nash are miniscule. Binance allowed referrers to make a portion of the trading fees, and though it was small, it got the attention of influencers, and they used their influence to talk about the positives of Binance, and Binance went from nothing to huge. Nash is a great exchange, and it has a great team. There is a lot to like about it, what it does not have the attention of is the influencers who will get tons of people using it. I think some sort of referral trading commissions for those you refer will help that, even if the referral amount is small.