New coin Listing

Currently Nash is focused on improving its matching engine, but not on listing new coins?
Perhaps the team is improving order speeds to accommodate agency entry and partner requests.
However, I think it’s also important to increase the types of coins you can handle in order to increase the number of users.
I understand that it takes time to implement a unique chain of coins, but I don’t think it will take much time to implement ETH tokens such as ERC-20.

I think some tokens have regulatory issues, but isn’t it possible to list coins and tokens that are listed on an exchange that complies with regulations such as coinbase or gemini?

I also think they should increase new users by listing coins, which not too many exchanges carry. (e.g. UBT, RPL etc.)
A friend of mine who worked at Binance in the early days thoroughly researched coins with a market capitalization of up to TOP500 and decided to list them, etc., considering their securitability and legal relevance.

Are these new listings planned for after GA?

Or is Nash only dealing with common coins and not listing many coins in consideration of the difficulty of implementing coins that will become their own chain in the future?


RPL is a good idea! It’s getting more and more popular even without being listed on any popular exchange.
But I guess nash team won’t add them because of the lack of liquidity. Rocket pool team should cooperate with nash team to make it happen.

Yes, since two years ago, RPL has been one of the projects that the ETH core has been working on intensively. This makes it possible to stake even if the ETH2.0 is 32 or less.

In order to ensure liquidity, listing projects involving developers of top-tier platforms can draw in their followers. That’s one strategy.

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Mostly the reasons are legal not technical. Coins/project may not infringe the strict regulations in Europe since Nash has a securitytoken (nex) that pays dividends. furthermore the project must have a solid foundation and a use case that has the potential to attract a large user base. all new listings need to go to a screening by a legal team and that takes up lots of time. Technically it is possible to add more ER20 or Bitcoin like coins (LTC, DASH etc) in a short time.They will be sure to add a bunch of new coins once GA is completed.

What is missing to be GA at last?


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Out of 10 most popular coins in USA, we currently list 3. Adding new coins should be one of the top priorities IMO.

Kellogg asks which coins should Nash list;